Incline business license hearing set for Tuesday

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Mike Kennedy, Washoe County's code enforcement officer, will ask the county board of commissioners Tuesday to uphold his decision from last week to revoke an Incline Village man's business license.

On June 14, Kennedy notified Todd Surgeon, owner of Americana Leisure Products, his business license had been temporarily revoked.

Surgeon hasn't been able to sell spas and hot tubs for more than a week.

Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., the commissioners will hear from Kennedy why he believes the board should permanently pull Surgeon's business license.

Surgeon also has the opportunity to tell the board why it should allow him to do business in Washoe County, Kennedy said.

Surgeon said Thursday he will be at the hearing.

"It's my intent to continue to do business in Nevada," he said. "My debts can be repaid by my marketing seminars."

"My decision was based on the sheriff's office investigation," Kennedy said.

Washoe County Sheriff's detective Candace Potts and Cmdr. Jim Musick told Kennedy five people had registered complaints against Surgeon by June 14.

"I didn't allow him to continue because I didn't want any additional victims," Kennedy said. "I felt they (investigators) made their case."

Kennedy added Surgeon's license suspension is a temporary action until he "can get him before the board."

However, Kennedy said he has allowed Surgeon to deliver some products to his customers, adding that the business transactions occurred before the complaints were filed.

"I'd like to see that get done," Kennedy said.

Since Kennedy pulled Surgeon's license, two more people filed complaints against the businessman with the sheriff's office, bringing the number of complaints to seven, Potts said.

Two more people called Potts in the last week wanting to file additional complaints, but neither has filled out a report, she added.

Kennedy said he is trying to get some of the complainants to appear before the board Tuesday.

"Any victims can come," he said.

Commissioners will hold the public hearing at their board room on Ninth and Wells streets in Reno at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.


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