Letter: Vets steamed over letter about hospital

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In your Sunday March 19 issue of Mailbox, you printed an article about a man who was complaining of the services given to him by the VA in Reno. That article has myself and many other local vets "steamed" with the article from the person who wrote it and sent it to you.

I am a disabled vet also, and so are many of my friends who feel that the Reno VAMC is "the number one place" to go for medical assistance. Vets from Oregon, California Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Idaho go there because they know they will get the best possible medical care. I know as I have been a patient and an outpatient there since 1996. I recently wrote a letter to the administrator of the Reno VAMC, Gary Whitfield, commending the great treatment I have received since my 17-day stay there in 1996. But if it had not been for the Reno VA, I would not be here today to write this rebuttal.

I am living proof that the Reno VAMC staff and administration do their jobs very well. If you doubt that, you may interview me in person in your office for exact details.

It is obvious that Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have a hate on for everything and everyone connected with his disabilities and attitude. They would do well to change their attitude toward life and face the realities of today's society.

Before I would believe Mr. Wilson's article, I would thoroughly investigate and read his entire file of medical history from the branch of armed forces he was in to the present day status of all of the hospitals he has been in for whatever reason.




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