Shooter enters plea

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With no victim to testify and evidence of self-defense, a man accused in an April shooting pleaded guilty Monday to a lesser charge.

Rigoberto Vega-Aguilar, 21, entered a plea of guilty to conspiracy to commit battery with a deadly weapon stemming from the April 30 shooting of Bobby Munoz in the 1500 block of Airport Road.

Munoz underwent extensive surgery to repair damage to his back and leg caused by the bullet.

He was scheduled to appear in court Dec. 10 to testify in the preliminary hearing, but never arrived.

"The victim, although served, did not show up. Based on that and evidence presented through independent witnesses that (Vega-Aguilar) had been attacked by more than one person, we agreed to the lesser charge," said Anne Langer, Carson City's chief deputy district attorney.

Initially, Vega-Aguilar was charged with attempted murder.

Standing before Judge Michael Griffin, Vega-Aguilar entered his guilty plea saying, "I was attacked, actually by more than one person, and I had a gun and I shot the person."

Langer said part of the bargain was that the defendant agree to spend one year in jail and pay restitution for Munoz's hospital costs.

"The defense and I have both stipulated to one year in jail," she said. "Ultimately, the judge will make that decision."

Sentencing is set for Feb. 11.


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