Memories of that morning

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In the last hours of darkness on Dec. 30, David Petersen delivered newspapers from his Bronco with the help of friend, Tom Steven, and brother Kevin.

The familiar routine completed for another day, Kevin had dozed off in the back seat as David headed home on Highway 395 through patchy fog.

A spot of ice sent the SUV spinning out of control, across and off the highway and into a roll before landing right-side-up.

"I remember starting to lose control of the vehicle," David said, " then I was looking up at the undercarriage wondering what was going on. When I realized I could move, I stood up. I could see Tom through the vehicle windows. I asked, 'Where's Kevin?'

"That was the concern for me."

They found Kevin a few feet away, unconscious "in a twisted position with his head in the snow. I dug him out and started talking to him. He was incoherent."

Tom, with only minor bruises and abrasions, left to find somewhere to call 911.

In the meantime, several people stopped to help. A couple offered a blanket, which David used to keep Kevin's head out of the snow. A paramedic on his way home from work also stopped.

"He was very helpful in telling us what to do. I don't know who they (all) are. I didn't ask their names," David said, blaming shock for the oversight.

They were taken to Carson-Tahoe Hospital from where Kevin was transferred to Washoe Medical Center with spinal injuries.

Kevin remembers nothing from before falling asleep in the back until waking up after surgery at Washoe Medical Center.

"I remember (waking up) and my friend Tiffany being there and Dad and Mom."


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