Today's column focuses on swing plane. The term swing plane, like many others associated with golf has been bandied around for a long time and has become part of golf's every day vernacular.
This is unfortunate since describing the swing as a plane gives the false illusion that the club swings on a straight line; it does not. The most accurate yet still not entirely correct description of the swing is that the club travels on a helix, an angle parallel to it's original axis. Visualize the angle of the club at the address position; the club should swing on an angle parallel to the angle formed at the address position for the entire swing except when
the club is level with the ground. When the club is level to the ground it should point to the target.
The following exercise is a great way to train the club to swing at the proper angle on the back swing.
1. Adopt the address position and grip the club.
2. Remove the right hand and set the club level to the ground using the left hand only.
3. Use the right hand to hold the club slightly below the grip forming a split handed grip.
4. Turn the body and swing the left arm up until it is level with the ground.
5. Note that the club and left arm form a right angle.
6. The shaft should now be parallel to the angle formed at the address position.
Use this exercise to train the arms and body to swing the club
instinctively; do not try to force this motion in the speed of a full swing.
Terry Gingell is the PGA Director of Instruction at Eagle Valley Golf, which is currently taking sign ups for sports camps, junior golf camps and adult group lessons. Gingell can be reached at 887-7174.
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