Right elbow position for back swing

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The right arm and elbow play an important role in the golf swing. They help to create a wide swing that generates more club head speed due to the increase in distance that the club travels.

The position of the right arm and elbow on the back swing also plays a significant role in keeping the club on the correct path throughout the swing. As the body turns on the back swing the right elbow moves away from the body. Then, when the left arm is level with the ground, the right elbow should be in front of the right shoulder and slightly bent so that the elbows are level to each other.

The elbows should remain the same distance apart on the back swing. As the arms swing down, with the turning of the body the right arm and elbow swings in front of the body. At no time should the right elbow be tucked into the side as is so often stated.

An excellent practice exercise is swing back until the left arm is level with the ground and using this as a reference point see that the right elbow is in front of the right shoulder. From this point simply swing the arms down with the turning of the body and see the elbows in front of the chest as you swing to the finish position. At the finish position the elbows should point down to the ground. They should have remained the same width

throughout the swing and the right arm should be across the body.

Terry Gingell is the Director of Instruction at Eagle Valley Golf and can be reached at 887-7174. Junior golf camps and Sports Camps have openings. Please call for more information.

(Attached photo by Jean Bondiett)


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