Officials forecast $1 million more for Roop project

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Carson City transportation officials were notified they are facing an estimated $1 million in increased costs five months before a project to widen Roop Street from Winnie Lane to Washington Street begins.

Project managers say they weren't expecting new city development standards for street lighting, sewer and water pipe replacement and placing overhead utility lines underground through the area, which has added to the cost, originally estimated at $3.6 million.

Ken Dorr with Capital Engineering told Regional Transportation Commission members Wednesday he is 90 percent finished with final plans for the project. Until the project plans are complete and bids are received, it will be difficult to say exactly how much additional funding will be needed, said Deputy City Engineer John Flansberg.

"Until we get a complete design, we won't know what the number is," Flansberg said. In all, the project is now estimated at $5 million, including $300,000 to be paid from utility funds.

Funded through gas tax revenue, the transportation department may need to take funding from other projects to pay for the unexpected costs.

"The worst thing that would happen if the project goes way over, it would push another project out a year," Flansberg said.

The city's plan is to widen Roop Street to five lanes from Washington Street to Beverly Drive and four lanes from Beverly Drive to Winnie Lane near Lone Mountain Cemetery. An average of 19,400 cars pass through that stretch of road each day, officials estimate.

Part of the project will require the city purchasing 2,275 square feet of property needed for the roadway from nine property owners. Construction easements are needed from all property owners along the street.

Construction is expected to start in April or May and end in 2005. The city will install a traffic signal at Winnie Lane and place overhead utilities underground. Workers will also replace aging water and sewer pipes and install new storm drainage facilities.

Some of the unexpected utility work will require reconstructing the stretch of roadway from Highway 50 to Beverly Drive.

"Most of those facilities in Roop Street are very old and in very poor condition," Dorr said. "That added a pretty significant number."

Contact Jill Lufrano at or 881-1217.


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