Memorial bricks still available at Korean War Veterans Memorial Park

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Bricks are still available for purchase as memorials at the Korean War Veterans Memorial Park at the end of East Fifth Street.

As part of Riverview Park, the Korean Veterans Memorial Park features bricks with the names of military veterans from all branches who served from 1945 to the present day in Korea, including its territorial waters. More than 120 bricks have been installed at the memorial.

They are $50 each. Applications are available from Fred Williams, Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 305 president, at 246-3767.

The "Nevada Cities Complex" at the memorial is a display of four large rocks representing Carson City, Reno, Elko and Las Vegas. It is in regard to the last battle fought from March 26-30, 1953 in Korea. Another plaque will display the 34 names of Nevadans who died during the war.

The chapter meets at 11 a.m. the first Thursday of each month at Veterans Memorial Hall, corner of Curry and Second streets.

- Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.

Korean Veterans Memorial

WHAT: Korean Veterans Memorial Park commemorative bricks

COST: $50 each

WHO: Person honored must have served in any branch of military in or around Korea from 1945 to present

CALL: Fred Williams at 246-3767

DONATIONS: Mail to Korean War Veterans Association of Carson City, P.O. Box 20666, Carson City, NV 89721


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