Suspect allegedly confesses to Mexican rape

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A convicted sex-offender allegedly confessed to Mexican authorities he sexually assaulted a Fernley girl he is accused of kidnapping to Mexico.

Fernando Aguero, 47, is being held in a Tijuana jail.

According to North Baja Attorney General Antonio Martinez, Aguero will be charged with kidnapping and sexual assault in Mexico. He faces up to 38 years in prison if convicted.

Lt. John Arndell of the Lyon County Sheriff's Department said it's his understanding that Aguero admitted he sexually molested the girl before and during the seven days the two were missing.

It is the Nevada Appeal's policy not to identify victims of sexual assault.

Detective Rob Hall said it's unclear when Aguero will come back to Nevada to face a kidnapping charge. He could potentially face other charges once the investigation is complete.

"We still have quite a bit of an investigation to do. Once we are done with that and get all the information together then we'll present it with the district attorney, and I'm sure he'll have to meet with the U.S. attorney (general)," said Hall. "Then we'll all have to wait and see what the Mexican government is going to do."

The girl was reported missing July 22 when her mother returned home from work about 3 p.m. and found her daughter and boyfriend, Aguero, missing.

Aguero was convicted in California of lewd and lascivious behavior with a child under 14 in 1985, Arndell said. He had not complied with Nevada law to register as a sex-offender when he moved to Fernley in April, and the girl's mother did not know of his history.

n Contact reporter F.T. Norton at or 881-1213.


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