Your final notice for big game deadline

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Hunters trying to obtain 2006 Nevada big game hunting tags are advised that the final deadline for receiving tag applications, this year, is 5 p.m. on Monday, April 17.

Big game hunting tags are issued by the Nevada Division of Wildlife, through a computerized drawing system. Tags will be available for pronghorn antelope, mule deer, Rocky Mountain elk, California bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountain goat and mountain lion.

There are two ways to submit your applications:

1. By an Authorized Postal Service:

If mailed, your paper applications must be mailed to the Wildlife Administrative Services Office in Fallon.

DO NOT send them to the Nevada Division of Wildlife.

Those forms are required to be submitted through an authorized postal service such as the U.S. Mail, FedEx, UPS.

If you do not have the necessary application forms, they can be obtained at Nevada Division of Wildlife offices and at authorized license dealer outlets, throughout the State of Nevada.

2. On the Internet:

You can apply on the Internet by going to There is a $2 fee for this process.

Internet applications will be posted immediately and checked for accuracy. If your application is accepted, you are in the drawing. Tag fees will not be subtracted from your credit card until you actually draw a tag.