Barbara Tonge/For the Nevada Appeal Charles Daniels, Carson City Senior Citizens Center senior services manager, and Kayette Jernberg, of Capitol Quilters, display the opportunity quilt donated by the quilters to the Meals on Wheels Program for a fundraiser.
Capitol Quilters has donated its opportunity quilt to the Carson City Senior Citizens Center to be used in a fundraiser to help support the Meals on Wheels Program.
Janice McIntosh, director of the senior center, said about 150 homebound seniors receive Meals on Wheels daily. The cost of each meal, all-inclusive, is about $5 (which includes delivery and other related services).
"We ask (meal recipients) to donate $2 per meal," she said. "We average 73 cents per meal in donations. And that's OK; they will still get their meal.
"So the minimum we have to raise is $1.27 for each meal."
Capitol Quilters was formed in the early 1980s, and has provided quilts to various groups for fundraisers, including the Alzheimer's Support Group. Additionally, the club has donated quilts to victims of fires, to the sheriff's office to distribute to children taken from homes, and to the homeless.
Quilt raffle tickets will be sold at the Carson City Farmers Market, 3:30-7 p.m. Wednesdays and 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays at the senior center's finance office, 901 Beverly Drive.
They are $1 each, or six for $5. The drawing will take place Sept. 7, and the winner need not be present to win.
For more information, call the center at 883-0703.