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130 Years Ago

A Word and a Blow. About dark last night while Doc Benton was standing near the hotel opposite Rail's store, conversing with a gentleman, a stranger stepped up and asked him for the loan of some money. Benton replied he had none to give. The impertinent stranger then suggested Benton go borrow it for him. Benton refused. The insolent stranger employed some rather insolent language at which Benton struck the man several times across the face. The borrower after his chastisement endeavored to explain his insolence away in a bland manner. We learn that Benton accepted his apology.

110 Years Ago

Shaw's Hot Springs. I now announce to the public that I have succeeded to the ownership of these Celebrated Springs. They are regarded as the greatest sanitarium in the State. Invalids suffering from whatever ailment will find relief at this resort. Natural Hot Baths. Board and Lodging by the day or week. Antone Benenato, Proprietor.

70 Years Ago

The dwelling house on the old Thorn property west of Carson burned to the ground this afternoon. Sheds nearby were scorched but saved by the Carson fire department. A stream of water from the fire department truck and a larger volume of water from pumping Thorne Creek was used to douse the blaze. The Frank Thorne family, pioneers in Eagle Valley long operated the ranch, which was remembered fondly by locals for the hospitality of the Thorns.

50 Years Ago

The Nugget's annual deer contest closed entries today and winners will be announced Monday night according to Dick Abbott, general manager. L. R. Thompson's 253 pound Montana buck continued to lead other closing entries.

20 Years Ago

Former Las Vegas casino executive Frank "Lefty" Rosenthaul is placed on Nevada's list of persons excluded from ever entering a state casino.

10 Years Ago

The city is talking trash with its lawyers. The contract for the Ormsby Sanitary Landfill has expired and is up for renegotiation.

- Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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