WNC to host Women in Non-Traditional Career Day

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Western Nevada College will invite 30 high school freshmen from each of the 15 service-area high schools to hear presentations from successful local women in non-traditional careers next spring.

A $10,000 grant from AT&T will fund a Women in Non-Traditional Career Day to introduce 450 ninth-grade students and their teachers to higher education possibilities.

The career day will be held on the WNC campus in Carson City and will feature women working in science, criminal justice, welding, construction technology, automotive repair, machine tool technology, engineering, drafting, and electronics.

"We are dedicated to providing workforce opportunities to as many communities as possible, and Western Nevada College's program to expose women to non-traditional careers brings the meaning of job-shadowing to a whole new level," said Kris Wells, AT&T external affairs area manager.

Information on leadership opportunities will also be presented along with a student panel addressing challenges, stereotypes and strategies for academic and personal success. A luncheon will be offered with a keynote speaker.

"Our goal is to motivate this group of young women to explore non-traditional career fields, become an active member of their high school community and continue their education beyond high school," said Helaine Jesse, WNC vice president of Development and External Affairs.

Area high schools will be notified of the event closer to the date.


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