Joint Lyon-Storey transit plan suggested

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The man who runs Carson City's public transportation system believes if Lyon and Storey County residents want public transit, it would be better if they joined forces to get it.

"You can split costs and work together on routes," said Carson City transportation manager Patrick Pittinger.

For example, he said, a bus could go from Virginia City down Six Mile Canyon Road to Mark Twain, have stops in Dayton and on to Mound House, where the bus would link with Jump Around Carson transit service.

Linda Adams of Dayton, who has spearheaded a drive for public transit in Lyon County, was supportive.

"I think it would be great if we partnered and had a tri-county system," she said. "Certainly it would be financially beneficial."

She said the bus could go up State Route 341 to Virginia City and come down Six Mile Canyon, providing service to people in Mark Twain, the Riverpark subdivision, then on to Smith's and the medical center.

"With the price of gas it's important," she said. "Until everyone has a hybrid car and we find another type of fuel, I think a lot of people would use it."

Katherine Souza of Community Chest Inc., which completed a survey of Storey County residents indicating a desire for transit, said it would also be possible to make a detour to Silver City to provide transportation for residents there.

Pettinger said the Carson system, which went into effect in 2005, carried 10,000 riders last year.

It has four fixed routes, with service for 12 hours on weekdays and eight hours on Saturday.

The green buses cost between $65,000 and $75,000 each, and the service runs once an hour, with tie-ins to the intercity bus from Reno.

About a third of bus riders are senior citizens, and it's also popular with disabled and young riders, Pettinger said.

"These are the transit dependent who used to pay $25 to go three miles in a cab," he said.

Pettinger said he is willing to help the two counties secure money for the possible system.

Souza has been working on a public transit issue and asked the Storey County commissioners for funds.

"There is a need for seniors and others who need to get to appointments," she said. "And going to Dayton or Carson City would help get the kids off C Street."

A bus service could bring more business to Virginia City.

Souza said that of 111 Storey County residents who returned a recent public transit survey, 69 percent said they would use it, with 71 percent of those indicating Carson City as their preferred destination.

She said the annual cost would be $36,000, and the county could apply for NDOT funds for a trial run.

Service only one day a week would cost about $15,000 annually.

Storey County Commissioner Greg "Bum" Hess said the transit advocates first should go to the county RTC board.

The Storey County Commission could also provide for some funds as well.

• Contact Karen Woodmansee at or call 881-7351.


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