Arrest made in 7-Eleven robbery

Stephan Beach arrested in 7-Eleven armed robbery

Stephan Beach arrested in 7-Eleven armed robbery

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A Carson City man has been jailed in the armed robbery last weekend of an east Carson City convenience store.

Stephan Beach, 22, is being held in the Carson City Jail on suspicion of felony robbery with a deadly weapon, kidnapping and burglary. A criminal complaint is expected to be filed which will also include enhancements on the robbery and kidnapping charges because the victim was 60 years of age or older.

"During the course of the investigation we made contact with two of his friends and one of them told us that the night of the robbery he loaned (Beach) the sweatshirt that he wore while committing the robbery, and the other friend described all the other clothing (Beach) was wearing earlier in the evening including the sunglasses that were seen in the video," said Sheriff's Detective Craig Lowe.

At least two other witnesses were able to confirm that Beach was loaned the sweatshirt by a friend, said Lowe.

On Sept. 17, a man wearing in a dark-colored Hurley sweatshirt with the hood up, sunglasses and blue jeans entered the 7-Eleven at Highway 50 East and Airport Road about 2:20 a.m. and confronted the loan female clerk with a knife.

The bandit made off with about $160, according to the arrest report.

Lowe said that Beach was staying at a friend's house just blocks from the 7-Eleven at the time of the robbery.

"The friend lives less then a 10th of a mile from the 7-Eleven store, which would explain how he was able to escape when units were on scene within two minutes and canvassing the area ," said Lowe.

Beach turned himself in to the jail about 10 p.m. last night on a warrant for failure to appear on a drug charge, and probation violation with a no-bail hold.

Lowe said he denied any involvement in the robbery.


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