Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: On track: Economic recovery, the V&T

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The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

Silver Dollar: As reported on MSNBC last month and noted in the Nevada Appeal by columnist Tammy Westergard, Carson City is among a handful of communities in the nation showing small signs of economic recovery.

That's according to the latest Adversity Index data on jobs, manufacturing and housing from Moody's and The report says the recession is showing signs of bottoming out in 23 of 381 metro areas measured. Carson is in the group of 23.

According to the report, those 23 economies were not contracting as severely as six months earlier. So, not exactly happy days are here again, but perhaps a twinkle of light at the end of the tunnel.

Wooden Nickel: A more somber economic report last week showed Nevada's taxable sales continued their downward slide in May.

Statewide, taxable sales fell to $3.19 billion - 21.1 percent less than May 2008. That translates to an 11.9 percent decrease for the 11 months of fiscal year 2009.

Sixteen Nevada counties reported a decrease in taxable sales for the month. In Carson, total sales dropped 19.9 percent to slightly more than $61 million. Douglas County reported a 19.6 percent decrease to $42.6 million in sales. Lyon County sales declined 16.5 percent to $24.3 million in sales.

Silver Dollar: A pocketful of true Comstock silver for the arrival of the McCloud River Railroad engine No. 18 in town.

The steam engine will be a centerpiece of the long-awaited V&T tourist train operation between Carson City and Virginia City. Now that the V&T tracks extend from Virginia City to Mound House and across Highway 50, the V&T Commission decided it was time to bring the engine to its new home.

It goes to work Aug. 14 for a special run that kicks off the Carson City Convention and Visitors Bureau Rail Fest celebration that weekend. The train will continue service on Saturdays this summer and fall through Nevada Day.

• Editor's note: Do you have a suggestion for a Silver Dollar or Wooden Nickel award? Send ideas


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