Letters to the Editor 8/20

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Three easy questions for Sen. Harry Reid

Sen. Reid,

I have three easy questions - kindly respond to the Nevada Appeal with your answers:

1. Will Obama's health care bill reduce funding for Medicare, which is already underfunded?

2. Social Security is underfunded, quoting from "Your Social Security Statement" - "In 2017 we will begin paying more in benefits than we collect in taxes. Without changes, by 2041 the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted." (Meaning that Congress will need to find cash to pay these obligations). Will you propose fixing Social Security?

3. If you are so upset with Yucca Mountain, why not rescind the "Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982?" Worried about transporting waste to the site, how do nuclear power plants get their fuel?

Bill Moriarty

Indian Hills

Virtual route weakens representative gov't

Your front page article of Aug. 12 on our representatives' decision to hold virtual town hall meetings gives me pause. Have we gone from a representative democracy to an essentially closed-door, by-invitation-only system?

Also, could you explain to me how the press is supposed to report to the public what questions were asked and what answers were given? According to the article, many of these virtual meetings have taken place but I do not remember ever seeing any reporting on them in this paper.

Daniel W. Cobb

Carson City

Why is Sen. Reid afraid to face voters?

Several days ago I e-mailed Sen. Harry Reid and asked him two specific questions, as follows:

1. Sir, when are you and your fellow congressmen going to announce that you will be covered under the same health care plan that you are proposing for the rest of us, and foregoing the health plan you are now on?

2. When are you going to announce a schedule of town hall meetings to discuss the health care issue?

As I write this, I haven't received an answer to my first question. The second was answered in a recent Appeal story stating that Mr. Reid would hold a series of "teleconferences" in place of town hall meetings.

Respectfully, sir, this is a cowardly copt out. Why are you afraid to face the voters of Nevada and explain your position on this issue?

Donald Qualls

Carson City

Obama only cares about adding power

Why are there no open town hall meetings scheduled by our elected officials? In light of all that is happening, I would think that they would be chomping at the bit to enlighten us as to what their positions are and to why they support or don't support the issues.

I would love to hear Harry Reid tell us why he thinks Obama's health care reform is best for us. We have to move forward now while we still can and do what we have the right to do, and that is to dump all those who are up for re-election in 2010 who support this president and his policies that reflect his desire to control all aspects of our very lives.

In spite of what he says, he does not care about us or this country, he cares only about himself and what will make him more powerful. All that is happening right now is by his design so that he can swoop in and take over when the time is right.

But, he cannot do it alone. He needs Congress and he needs us to make sure he gets the votes and support. However, one day he will not need this as he will have total control. This is his plan, and unless we act now, he will succeed.

Remember, he is only a man, and once you strip away all the luster, bravado and teleprompter, he appears to be a pretty shaky one at best.

Kelly Madigan

Carson City

Funding abortions a concern in health bill

Obamacare advocates claim the health care bill does not authorize taxpayer payments for abortions. They are correct. Almost.

HR 3200 does not use the word "abortion." However, Sec. 123 (p. 30) creates a Health Benefits Advisory Committee composed of 25 members, none of whom even have to be physicians, to recommend benefit standards to Health and Human Services. The secretary may accept those recommendations. All the committee will be appointed by the president.

Does anyone expect this president to appoint a committee that will not require us to pay for abortions? Really? This president who is an outspoken supporter of abortion for anyone, any time, for any reason? Really?

Give me a break.

Read the bill at Thomas.loc.gov; be one up on the Congress.

David Campbell

Carson City


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