Ex-city coordinator pleads guilty to misdemeanors

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Carson City's former Community Outreach Coordinator who lost his job after being arrested in October pleaded guilty Monday to two misdemeanors in connection with an alleged extortion case.

Javier Ramirez, 36, could be sentenced to up to 12 months in jail when sentenced in April.

Ramirez, whose legal name is Ramiro Javier Ramirez-Aleman, entered guilty pleas to attempted larceny for snatching the purse away from a 19-year-old woman who owed him money and destruction of property for slashing her tires.

Because Ramirez has no criminal record, Assistant District Attorney Gerald Gardner said he will ask the judge to put Ramirez on probation.

Ramirez, the outreach and block grant coordinator for the city since 2006, was arrested Oct. 22 in a sting operation set up by the Carson City Sheriff's Department between Ramirez and the 19-year-old woman who claimed Ramirez harassed her for two years to repay a $3,000 loan.

He was initially jailed on charges of extortion, but Gardner said last month that the charges to which he pleaded better fit the crimes.

Sentencing is set for April 6.

- Contact reporter F.T. Norton at ftnor

ton@nevadaappeal.com or 881-1213.


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