Police seize guns, computers in child porn investigation

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal

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Federal, state and local authorities served a search warrant on a northeast Carson City home Thursday after the owner was accused in court documents of soliciting child pornography from undercover agents.

Computer equipment and guns were removed from the home in the 5500 block of Goni Road during the search by the Carson City Sheriff's Department, Nevada Attorney General's Office and the FBI, said Carson Detective Craig Lowe.

An affidavit filed in Carson City Justice Court on Thursday alleges that in October 2007, Glenn Ware, 60, of Carson City began exchanging e-mails with an undercover federal agent in San Francisco.

"Ware requested to trade and purchase child pornography via e-mail correspondence with an undercover federal task force agent working with the U.S. Postal Service in the investigation of Internet crimes against children," the affidavit written by Lowe states.

In one October e-mail, Ware allegedly requested photos of 5-year-old girls in various stages of sexual activity.

Then in January, he allegedly set up a post office box to receive the photographs through the mail, the court filing states.

Carson Sheriff's Capt. Ken Sandage said that there was not enough evidence at the time to charge Ware with a crime. But this month a postal inspector in San Jose informed Carson City that Ware was named in two additional federal subpoenas as member of a Web site group that had been shut down for exchanging child pornography.

Computer equipment and videos were taken during Thursday's search, Lowe said. Officers also confiscated three or four homemade 50-caliber machine guns and machine gun parts from a workshop on the property. Lowe said it is illegal to manufacture weapons.

"If the (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) come back and says these are novelty items or replicas and they are not really functional, we don't have anything on them at that point," he said.

Ware and his wife were not home when police arrived about

2 p.m. When Ware did arrive, he declined to speak with police, said Lowe.

Assistant Carson City District Attorney Gerald Gardner said no charges have been filed against Ware.

"At this point there is not a warrant for his arrest, it's just a search warrant to look for additional evidence in support of charges," said Gardner.

A message left by the Nevada Appeal for Ware at his home was not immediately returned.

- Contact F.T. Norton at ftnorton@nevadaappeal.com or 881-1213.


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