Letters to the editor 3/17/09

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Finding local bargains during tough times:

In this time of recession, when prices are on the rise and pocketbooks are decreasing, now is a great time to take advantage of many saving opportunities our community has always offered but we may have overlooked.

I am a health-food nut, and was pleasantly surprised that the Grocery Outlet not only offers canned, frozen and refrigerated food items as you would expect, but an entire organic aisle for cheap. Not only are the prices wonderful, so too are the non-existent checkout lines. The Carson City Grocery Outlet is owned by "Dave," who you are for sure to see upon any visit, and his two sons and adorable grandson. It's like the Mom and Pop stores of old. I have my favorite checker, Bridgett, from Germany. I insist on our entire transaction to be in German and she is kind enough to nod that she understands my attempts.

Now that my food bill is cut in half, I find myself in need of jeans. My boys seem to tear a hole in theirs weekly. Rather than restricting them from play, I head to one of the local thrift store options in town - FISH, Classy Seconds and Goodwill are the biggest ones. FISH has a huge selection and has recently updated the inside to give a less cluttered feel. Classy Seconds is a must on Wednesdays when all clothing is half-off. Goodwill is the most organized. I never pay full price for jeans or any other clothing anymore.

There's more to getting a deal than using a coupon or waiting for a sale. If you are willing to get past the stigmas associated with discount priced establishments, you will see a marked savings. Who doesn't want a deal?


Carson City

Wake up, people!

When I read the local paper or any news article, I quietly keep my comments to myself. But after reading David Y. Cantwell's commentary, I cannot keep quiet.

People, wake up. Our freedom has been stolen from us, our liberty is in jeopardy and we are now staring socialism right in the face. They are selling you this false sense of security with larger than ever government, free giveaways, bailouts and now universal health care for all. Turn off your video games and turn on your mind.

Every American should read the book "The Creature from Jeckyl Island" by Edward Griffin. Their ultimate goal is a new world order and we are headed there fast on a one-way train.



The rest of the story:

Is it any wonder that the Nevada Appeal is struggling financially? I find it interesting that you give front-page coverage to announce that an openly "gay" senator is speaking in a church, yet buried on Page 6 is a small article about the death of a beloved American icon, Paul Harvey.

You don't seem to be in touch with the majority of people who subscribe to your newspaper.


Carson City

Columnist needed to remind us of liberal delusions:

In his recent Appeal column it is typical of a tax-taker like Eugene Paslov, who is a 100-percent product of the public service, to criticize Republicans who are trying to protect us taxpayers and our republic.

Having never been in the private sector, the sector that creates all of the jobs that produce tax dollars, as opposed to the public sector that consumes tax dollars, either Paslov hasn't the foggiest idea about where this country is headed under Obama, or to him it doesn't matter. Pure socialism isn't that far from his pat public service environment.

He also criticizes Republicans who hope that Obama will fail. I, too, hope that Obama fails if his policies of irresponsible spending destroys our dollar before we can ever repay our debts, and if the net result will be the destruction of capitalism and the adoption of socialism.

Paslov also criticizes Republican tax cuts as being for the benefit of the rich. Apparently, he doesn't know that because of those cuts, the bottom 44 percent of our working population pay zero income taxes. Please keep Paslov on as a columnist. We need to be continually reminded of the liberal delusions of those basking in the protective public cocoon.


Carson City

Who's outrageous now Mr. O'Callaghan?

It's obvious but unfortunate for Rep. Trent Franks that he was unaware that we have two railroad projects here in Nevada.

We have often talked about but never funded the super train from Las Vegas to Southern California, and the obviously little known rail running from Carson City to Virginia City that's out of money. So I can accept the obvious confusion from Rep. Franks, but I find it appalling that one of our own, Tim O'Callaghan, would be oblivious to the project. Then again, maybe he just didn't want to acknowledge it so that he could chastise Rep. Franks for an outrageous lie. Who's outrageous now?


Carson City

How to create an obstructionist:

How to create an "obstructionist" out of thin air.

Step 1 - Gain a majority in both houses of Congress.

Step 2 - Elect a president from the same party.

Step 3 - Make sure that every time he opens his mouth the word "bipartisan" comes out.

Step 4 - Craft legislation that is so loaded with socialist wish-list pork that no self-respecting fiscal and Constitutional conservative could possibly vote for it.

Step 5 - Pass the legislation using totally partisan majority.

Step 6 - Ignore the fact that it passed and label anyone who did not vote for it an "obstructionist."

Simple, huh? And easily accepted by anyone who mistakes a head full of propaganda for education.


Carson City

Make better use of the Ely prison:

An alternative to stopping executions might be to actually have the Department of Corrections do what was promised to us when the money was allocated to build the Ely maximum security prison.

We were promised that once an inmate went there he would not leave until his sentence was expired. That is not what happens; instead we bus him to Carson just to execute him. Execute him there and do two executions a night; that way we get our money's worth from the executioner and any other public officials that have to be there.


Carson City

Support of Hardy fundraisers appreciated:

Thank you Nevada Appeal on your article about Cameron Hardy's fight with leukemia. We just want to send our prayers to Cameron Hardy and his family, Michelle, Chelsea, Caily and Trenton.

We cannot imagine what you are going through. A big applause to the Appeal for covering all of Cameron's fundraisers and a huge appreciation to the "Rockin' Rev. Ken Haskins" and the Warehouse Church for helping this family out. Keep up the good work.



Carson City


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