Biking to school

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal

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Kensal Coudriet, 5, rides her bike while she waits for her dad, Mike, outside Bordewich-Bray Elementary School on Wednesday. The pair had ridden their bikes to school Wednesday morning in honor of Walk to School day, something Mike says they like to do two to three times a week in nice weather.

Dan Allison, coordinator for Carson City's Safe Routes to School, said at least 58 Bordewich-Bray students walked, biked or rolled to school Wednesday. "This is 10 percent of 585 enrolled students," he said. "About 41 percent come on the bus, so about 17 percent of the students who could have (participated), did." He said he hopes to have results from the other schools later this week.

Students who participated were given stickers as the arrived at their schools.


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