Letters to the editor Aug. 12

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Nevada casinos need

to pay more in taxes

It's time elected representatives of Nevada re-examine and increase the rate of taxes collected from casino gambling. Nevada's tax rate is 8 percent, while Pennsylvania is 55 percent, New York is 65 percent and West Virginia is 57 percent.

Raising the gaming taxes just a fraction on the 260 casinos in Nevada would assist our deplorable state budget.

Genevieve Frederick

Carson City

Reid lobs false charges while piling up offenses

The clumsiest attacks on Sharron Angle come from those who take faux offense at the notion that God guided her into politics. This from supporters of a phony who hides behind his own religion like a Klingon cloaking device.

What divinity told Reid to betray American soldiers when he ostentatiously surrendered Iraq to al-Qaida in April 2007? What inspired him to brag, a few days later, that the war would be good politics for Democrats?

Reid's sycophants can only defend him by sniping at false policy positions and made-up controversies ascribed to Sharron Angle, all manufactured by Reid's multimillion-dollar propaganda machine.

Reid handed out our tax dollars to fellow senators to pass ObamaCare, now led by a death panel czar, Dr. Donald rationing-with-our-eyes-open Berwick. And, of course, Reid is running a commercial featuring a union hard-hat chastising Angle for her stance on jobs. Reid has it both ways, grabbing the credit for a handful of jobs for political contributors but disowning Nevada's 14 percent unemployment rate.

What god do the Reid robots worship that values treason, bribery and crippling unemployment over the strong national defense and simple honesty that Sharron Angle would bring to office?

Lynn Muzzy


Exposure to world's cultures might broaden one's view

What comes to mind after reading Nancy Dallas' "Why I will vote the Republican ticket in November" column is how brave one must be to display publicly one's complete lack of awareness of the entire evolvement of our planet's technological inventions and their effect on our present and future, which precludes there ever being a return to whatever she longs to return to. To wit: "The world is flat." Thomas L. Friedman might help bring her up to date.

I am too old and my time grows more precious daily, but as an ex-registered Republican up until 2008, I have made myself as informed and enlightened as possible. I've traveled Asia and the South Pacific to Auckland, New Zealand and Australia, Vladivostok, the European parts on the Mediterranean and most of the Caribbean.

I've met and become friends with folks of many cultures and know what is happening, where we have done harm and where we have and are doing considerable restitution. Thank God for the American charitable folks who share their billions of dollars with the deprived and destitute worldwide.

The message I might hope to impart is not one of criticism of anyone's beliefs. We all demonstrate according to our own line of spiritual and mental knowledge and understanding of what we are exposed to.

It is kind of depressing and embarrassing to find the same old unenlightened messages being published in this era of international Internet correspondence.

Nikki Campbell

Carson City

City wasted funds on glossy water brochure

We just received our water utility bill and enclosed was a glossy, color photo, tri-fold brochure titled, "The Carson River Needs Our Help."

While the brochure was sponsored by several other entities, I question the need for an expensive brochure such as this in these supposedly hard economic times - not to mention the fact that we pay premium for our water here in Carson City.

Really, just how many citizens do you think are going to ask the Public Works Department for permission to landscape ditches?

It offends me that funds were spent frivolously when there is such a great need in the community. There must be a better way to support Carson City - like hiring some Carson City part-time workers to go clean and landscape ditches.

Linda Middleton

Carson City


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