Carson City Deputy Bob Guimont announced Friday night during a gathering at Empire Ranch Golf Course his intent to run for sheriff.
Guimont also ran in 2002; he lost to current Sheriff Ken Furlong.
Guimont's career began with the Storey County Sheriff's Office in 1990. He has been with Carson City since 1995. Guimont, 42, has worked in the jail, patrol, and served 10 years on the SWAT team.
When he was promoted to sergeant in 2003, Guimont was assigned to the jail. He said the assignment forced him to suspend his activity with SWAT where he was a team leader. But after a year working in detention, he decided being on the SWAT team meant more than rank. Guimont turned in his stripes in 2005.
He also has held the position of field training officer and assistant range master.
Born in Los Angeles, Guimont's family moved to Reno when he was five. He's been married 13 years to Theresa and has four children and two grandchildren.
Guimont said that if elected, his administration will focus on reducing gang activity in Carson City.
He said he will "appropriately address drug activity and its related crimes, provide a law enforcement advocate to victims of domestic violence, and (manage) the budget by reallocating existing resources to enhance services to the citizens."
He said his most pressing focus will be getting gangs out of Carson City.
"We should be able to stem the tide. I don't believe in managing the gang problem. My goal is to rid the community of the gangs. These guys are sucking up so much money and so many resources in their actions," he said. "I want to go after bigger crimes on the higher ups. I want to make them think twice before they do anything.
"Everyone brings up the same thing - we are so sick and tired of these guys. I'm disgusted with it, myself."
Guimont said he also wants to create a victim advocate position with existing staff levels to act as a liaison between victims of crimes and those investigating the crimes.
As for the drug problem in the city, Guimont said he intends to increase use of the department's drug dogs. If drugs are suspected on a vehicle stop, the dogs should be called out, he said.
"I think we need to take more of an aggressive stance. We've got three K9s. We need to use the K9s for drug interdictions," he said.
While his background is on the law enforcement side, Guimont said he intends to staff his administration with those who can help him cut the department's budget.
One change he wants to implement would be to eliminate take-home vehicles for command staff.
"I believe it's going to get worse before it gets better," he said of the budget crisis. "We as the administration need to prepare for it. I'm not going to start laying off first responders. ... What we are going to have to do is start cutting at the top."
Sheriff Ken Furlong said he intends to run for a third term in office. Also running is Sheriff's Capt. Robert White, a 19-year-veteran of the department.
The primary is June 8.
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