Rombardo announces intent for second term

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Carson City District Attorney Neil Rombardo announced Friday he will seek re-election in 2010. Voters first elected Rombardo to the four-year term in 2006.

During his first term, Rombardo said he has focused on fulfilling his 2006 campaign pledges to provide better services to victims of crime, to reduce drug use and sales in Carson City and to launch a comprehensive attack on Carson City's gang problem.

In his first three years in office, Rombardo created the District Attorney's Victim Witness Coordinator position and the Gang Response Intervention, Prevention and Suppression program, or GRIPS.

In 2007, Rombardo was one of only eight district attorneys in the nation to receive the National District Attorney's Association Gang Response Model grant. Out of this grant, Rombardo created GRIPS, which has resulted in a number of "break-through programs in Carson City," he said in a press release.

"Through the GRIPS program, we developed the Mobile Recreation Program, which offers free after-school recreation activities for at-risk youth in neighborhoods with potential gang issues," Rombardo said.

Rombardo said his top priority for his next term would be to start an elder- protection program in Carson City.

"We are working with San Diego County to adopt a program similar to theirs," he said. "This program will involve both the prevention and suppression of elder crimes."

Rombardo said he also plans to play a larger role in redevelopment and work closely with the city manager's office to ensure transparent, open redevelopment projects. He said he is personally handling the current proposed Nugget project.

"As the civil attorney for Carson City, it is my responsibility to do what is in the best interests of the citizens of Carson City by ensuring our boards and commissions act open and in compliance with all laws," he said.


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