Letters to the editor 1-13

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How can we tolerate our broken health system?

I'm appalled at the armchair quarterbacks who cynically criticize our president and our Democratic Congress for trying to bring our health care system into the 21st century. They throw around words like "socialism" while they collect unemployment benefits, send their kids to public schools, drive on government-maintained highways, sign up for Medicare, and grow old on Social Security.

These Americans have been too comfortable for too long, turning a blind eye to those in our own nation who suffer from lack of access to even basic health care, something all other industrialized democracies consider the obligation of a civilized country.

While even one baby in this great social experiment cries from illness without a doctor's care; while even one elderly person in this compassionate nation suffers or dies because medicine is too expensive; while even one human being in the richest country in the world is denied a life-saving medical procedure because a medical insurer decides her life is not worth saving; while even one traumatized American veteran sleeps on a sidewalk or commits suicide because we failed to care for him after we used him - how can we continue to tolerate a broken system driven by what is best for insurance companies and not what is best for Americans?

We are better than that. Am I idealistic? You bet. It was idealism that founded our nation over 200 years ago, and it may be what saves it now.

Marilee Swirczek

Carson City

Impeach Reid for bribing fellow senators

Reid is not working for Nevada. Our Sen. Harry Reid bribed Louisiana with $300 million with our tax dollars for one lousy vote on his 2,000-plus-page health care bill that he has not even read.

His ads claim he is working for Nevada, but that's pure fabrication.

What did he get for us in Nevada? Nothing. Not one bloody thing.

With one of the highest unemployment and foreclosure rates, he has done nothing for Nevada except give away our tax dollars to others for his (and Obama's) pet project. It's is all about power, not serving constituents.

The only trouble is, if we throw him out of office, he will continue to receive his full Senate salary plus all the fancy benefits the senators vote for themselves for the rest of his life along with any increases granted the sitting senators. Thanks for no Social Security cost-of-living increase for the next two years, Harry.

He should not only be thrown out of office, but impeached for bribery.

Stuart L. Posselt


Dropping exercise programs was a bad call

I'd like to express just how disappointed I am in the Carson City Parks & Recreation Division's decision to terminate both the Wet Sweat and Sweat Shop classes that are currently held at the Aquatic and Community Centers.

Carson City residents have been taking and enjoying these very popular exercise classes for more than 25 years. The Wet Sweat class welcomes everyone - regardless of age, weight, gender, or how good of shape you're in, and provides a great, fun workout. Most evenings, if it weren't for the class participants, the entire north half of the pool would be empty.

Participants pay the daily drop-in fee for the pool in addition to $2 per aerobic session, and consider it money well spent. However, Parks & Recreation Director Roger Moellendorf is willing to just drop these classes in order to entertain new proposals for classes from area fitness instructors.

I think it's a shame that Carson City Parks & Recreation is willing to dump instructors Jerry Vance and others who are well-liked by the class members for some nebulous program that may or may not provide the quality service we have been receiving from these women for years. And in the meantime, while new proposals are being considered, the pool will be losing revenue and Carson City residents won't be getting the exercise we so sorely need.

Elayn Briggs

Carson City

Unhappy with cancellation of exercise classes

What is the recreation department for? I have been attending Jerry Vance's Sweat Shop classes for the last seven years; some have been coming for over 25 years. Last Wednesday, Mrs. Vance was given notice by Roger Moellendorf that he was not renewing her contract. However, he has been soliciting proposals from other fitness instructors to see what possible classes they can offer.

There are between 10 and 16 people who attend Jerry's class daily. The people in her classes enjoy her style of exercising and this is shown with their daily attendance. So, the question seems to be why is Mr. Moellendorf getting rid of Mrs. Vance? He has not given any reason as of yet.

What is Mr. Moellendorf thinking, cancelling classes that are well-attended? Isn't the recreation department for the people of Carson City? We helped pay for this building with our taxes and now Mr. Moellendorf takes it upon himself to shut down classes that are attended by the people of Carson. He has never come to a class to see what it is like. Jerry does these classes for the people of Carson City and we appreciate it.

I feel that Mr Moellendorf is hurting the recreation department and the people of Carson City. I could understand if the classes were not well-attended, but they are. How about Mr. Moellendorf getting the opinions of the people of Carson City and see what they think?

Charlotte Schmidt

Carson City


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