Letters to the editor June 20

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Nevada Guard in key role in terrorism fight

The Nevada National Guard is sending a new team of specialists to Afghanistan, known as the Agribusiness Development Team, or ADT.

The ADT has a mission to reach out to, and work with, local farmers and ranchers in an effort to improve their ability to be productive. The team is made up of specialists in farming, irrigation and animal husbandry, as well as others. The ADT mission is part of a larger effort to win the hearts and minds of the people of Afghanistan in the ongoing fight against terrorists, insurgents and extremists in Afghanistan.

The ultimate goal of the ADT mission is to help educate the local Afghan farmers and ranchers with the most effective tools and skills used today. This effort is part of a larger, strategic goal of ensuring the Afghan people can take care of Afghan problems.

Your Nevada National Guardsmen are leading the way helping the country of Afghanistan and are leading the way for our nation in the fight against terrorism abroad.

Michael Heil

Carson City

Reid had his chance; now throw him out

I read where our own Bob Cashell and Washington insider, Sig Rogich have come out in support of Harry Reid. Rogich - Republicans for Reid - says he can't support Sharron Angle's radical views. True. Angle would like to abolish Social Security, the IRS and the Department of Education. Does that mean she will do that if elected? Fifty like minds together in Washington couldn't pull that off. Angle couldn't do that in a lifetime. The most she can do is vote no on any new taxes, spending or government growth. I can't see the problem there.

We know what we have with Harry Reid. He is an established power broker in Washington who lives high off our money, and we are last in the category of everything in this state. Could someone else do worse? Reid took everyone's tax money in a bribe to buy votes for a health care plan that many taxpayers did not want. When called out on it, he threw up his hands, grinned and said, business as usual.

Reid is coming out with his $25 million, sponsored by folks who support his view. He will do his best to convince us that Sharron Angle is the bogeyman. People like Cashell and Rogich are going to whisper in our ears that Reid is the lesser of two evils. Don't listen to them. It is time for change.

Kelly Jones

Carson City


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