Janice Ayres Living the legacy award for her outstanding service to Nevada elders and Dr. John McDonald
More than 200 people gave a standing ovation to Janice Ayres, executive director of the Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program (RSVP), Carson City, as she was presented with the prestigious 'Living the Legacy Award' by the University of Nevada Reno's Sanford Center for Aging.
The award, precented April 26 at the 'Celebration of Scholars in Aging' event in the Joseph Crowley Student Union on the campus of UNR, recognizes long-time commitment to improving the lives of Nevada elders.
In his presentation remarks, Dr. John McDonald, director of the Sanford Center noted that 'Living the Legacy' is not an annual award, and that this was only the fifth time that it has been presented since being instituted in 1993.
He recognized Ayres for her 50-plus years of dedicated service, including 31 years as executive director of RSVP. He noted that her half century of commitment to numerous non-profit charitable organizations included service with the Nevada Association for Retarded Citizens, American Heart Association, and the Nevada Association for Mental Health among many others. He also noted that she was voted "Outstanding Older Nevada Worker" in 2002 and honored by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives for her outstanding contributions to Nevada.
She was also appointed by then Governor Kenny Guinn to attend and represent him at the White House Conference on Aging which only convenes every 10 years.
Among her many public service appointments are the Governor's Commission on Aging, the Nevada Commission for National and Community Service, and many others. She is the founder and President of the Nevada Senior Corps Association and Past President of the National Association of RSVP Directors. Staff representing Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign and Congressman Dean Heller were in attendance to also present Ayres with Congressional awards recognizing her for being chosen for the Sanford award.
For more information on the Stanford Center Center for Aging, call 775-784-4774 or visit www.unr.edu/sanford.