Past Pages May 27

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Hank Monk and the man with the veranda: At the Arlington House Bar signs of Spring were limited to a few sprigs of pear blossoms ... no extra shade otherwise than that afforded by the big new veranda now being built around the Arlington. It was the biggest thing of its kind on the coast. Hank Monk, who was standing near the door said the rum blossoms on the noses of the Democrats about town furnished all the ornamentation and color he wanted, and the fact of their blooming in all seasons was, he thought, considerable in their favor.

Wife arrested: The wife may not open her husband's letter whenever an opportunity offers. A Rochester man had his wife arrested on this charge.


Hearst's journalistic castle on Market Street: The entire establishment will be connected by telephone and speaking tubes ... and Mr. Hearst can give orders to anyone in his employ at any hour of the night without getting out of his bed. Arrangements have been made with the Pacific Phonograph Company to furnish 100 phonographs for the use of composing room ... reporters will talk their articles into the phonograph and the cylinders be sent to the composing room to be set into type.


Shriners announce elaborate program: The Shrine committee is composed of Archie Pozzi, George Meyers, August Berning, Jr. The concert will be on the capitol ground by the band of Kerak Temple.

Photo caption: Electro, the mechanical man and Sparko, the mechanical dog, get together where they are on display at the fair. Sparko barks, wags his tail and sits up.


Two boys - Ross deLipkau and Bruce Couch received top scholarships at the Carson City high school 16th annual award night. deLipkau won a four-year scholarship to the Merchant Marine academy. Couch won the Fleischmann science scholarship which gives him $1,000 for four years.


Myla Florence, formerly state welfare administrator, will take over the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, replacing Carol Jackson.

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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