Letters to the editor: Oct. 28

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Subject of literacy story inspiration to all

I just wanted to comment on your front page regarding the literacy program and Mr. Barnes. What a great article. It is so uplifting to hear the hard work and accomplishments of someone who overcame his life obstacles.

Everyone reading this, young and old, teens, youth, young adults and older, should take inspiration that you can reach your goals and dreams. Many times it takes so much effort and hard work to achieve, but this shows that once you succeed, the rewards are many.

Mr. Barnes has a positive attitude and, I would think, a great increase in self-esteem. Life is not easy or always comfortable, but worth all the effort. What a wonderful example. Thank you for publishing this.

Victoria L. Williams

Washoe Valley

Rob Joiner has work ethic Carson City needs

One of the first people I met in Carson City when my father and our two families relocated here was Rob Joiner. In developing projects downtown and throughout Carson City, Rob proved to be more than just our city contact as redevelopment manager, but also was a great asset for planning and thinking outside of the box in improving upon original concepts.

Rob saved sandstone block from the original Abe Curry quarry and indigenous granite and ironwork that were on their way to the landfill from the demolition of the buildings at 4th and South Carson streets for use in new projects. The result of these efforts is added value and history to successful mixed-use retail, professional office and restaurant projects that have reversed blight and redeveloped significant areas of the downtown.

Rob Joiner was the champion for these projects who advocated leveraging small amounts of city resources for a much larger private investment. With his level of work ethic, fiscal accountability, vision and dedication to Carson City's economic and cultural resources, we would do well to elect Rob Joiner supervisor.

Tom Metcalf

Carson City

McKenna lacked vigilance of cable foundation

A September letter spoke of Mr. John McKenna, candidate for Carson City supervisor, as one who exercised "vigilant oversight of the public purse." It would seem an event in the not so distant past contradicts this assessment. Wasn't John McKenna the treasurer of the Carson Access Television Foundation when a six-figure embezzlement occurred? Wasn't it the responsibility of the treasurer to prepare and deliver a monthly treasurer's report to the board? Did the director convicted of this embezzlement prepare and deliver the monthly treasurer's reports? This oversight of his financial responsibility represents lack of judgment and obligation which voters should keep in mind now and on Election Day.

Judy White

Carson City

Who do you want deciding your taxes?

No president of the United States can create a budget deficit or budget surplus. All spending originates in the House of Representatives, and all taxes are voted into law by Congress. Therefore, do you want four more years of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?

Carol Koons

Carson City

Harry Reid looks out for himself, not Nevada

Dr. Paslov's article in the Oct. 10 issue tells us to re-elect Harry Reid because he is honest, smart and hardworking.

Honest? he has worked in Congress for 43 years with an average salary of $155,000, and has a net worth of $5 million. How did he do it? Smart? Not for us.

Nevada received the least amount of money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - $1.5 billion, or $560 per person. Breakdown: education $543 million, transportation $270 million Medicaid $450 million. We are low man on the totem pole.

Hardworking? Then why do we have the highest unemployment, the highest foreclosure and the lowest graduation rates in the country?

Sharron Angle is not the ideal candidate, but certainly cannot do worse.

Inga Silver

Carson City

Sheriff Veil deserves

re-election in Lyon County

Sheriff Allen Veil is a community involved leader. He has given undivided attention to the safety and security of Lyon County residents.

Sheriff Veil has continually upgraded his knowledge in the science of crime prevention and is thoroughly skilled in the profession he has chosen to serve. His effectiveness and dedication is evident in the quality of his no-nonsense style of law enforcement. He will enforce the law. The community of Lyon County can depend on him to put criminals behind bars.

We highly recommend the re-election of Allen Veil for Sheriff of Lyon County.

Orlis and Anita Trone


Flashing signs a helpful reminder about wild horses

Thankfully, NDOT has returned the flashing warning signs to the Mound House area, warning drivers of the wild horses crossing the highway in that area.

Unfortunately, it was not in time to save the poor horse that was recently hit by a vehicle.

I made a lot of calls and sent a lot of letters to NDOT without any results. Perhaps the death of this beautiful wild horse will remind drivers to be careful, slow down and pay attention to the road.

Thank you again NDOT for returning the flashing warning signs. Good job!

Kim Beil


Energy company CEO should be ashamed

In reading several letters that have been in the paper about NV Energy, I wondered what can be done about the company and its overpriced CEO. Then it dawned on me to make it an open letter to the company.

I really think that if enough people would write in to them, they could be shamed into reducing their rates. Michael Yakira should really be ashamed of himself. He gets the $4 million plus, while the rest of us get the shaft.

How do the rest of you think? It would be interesting to find out. Incidentally, I did earn a Purple Heart in World War II and am proud of it also.

Robert Brandt

Carson City

Taxpayers shouldn't foot bill for campaigning

What is all this frantic political campaigning by President and Mrs. Obama and Vice President Biden at the taxpayers' expense?

President Obama was in Las Vegas at least five times and Vice President Biden was in Reno.

The last I heard, it costs more than $1 million a day for Air Force One with all the security and entourage and Air Force Two has to back it up.

Then, of course, the airports are closed off, costing a fortune to each particular city for this favor. You can bet the Democratic National Committee is not paying the bills as it should.

The news the other day reported that the president has visited many key states six to 10 times during this frantic campaign. He is hardly ever in Washington.

I think it is disgusting that we, the taxpayers, are taking a ride, too.

Val D. Jensen

Carson City

Sharron Angle stands for values of the founders

Standing shoulder to shoulder, Sen. Reid, Mayor Cashell, Sen. Raggio, Dr. Paslov and people of their ilk denounce Sharron Angle as being a radical, holding extreme political views. Angle is a breath of fresh air that adheres to the tenets envisioned by our founders to guide our magnificent country.

When radicals choose the viewpoint that we should get up every morning with the helping hand of government, you're treading down the path of socialism.

Guy Wooley



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