Nobody Asked Us, But ...Be on the look out, kids are back in school

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Watch out for kids! They're back in school, and if you're caught speeding in a school zone, prepare to spend your life savings on fines. As for the kids ... if you cross a street without paying attention, the car will win every time.


There's a gentleman we know who, whenever he sees a cop or highway patrolman eating, pays their bill, then leaves without being identified. Last week, he paid for six of them. When asked, he says they're out there protecting us, so it feels good to make them feel good. Nice guy.


There are three couples celebrating marital milestones: Lorene and Frank Page were married 60 years ago, and will celebrate at the Hyatt at Lake Tahoe for a couple of days. When asked if anything exciting happened at their wedding, Lorene said Frank had a hard time getting the veil off her face. Glad he did, though ... it would be like kissing through a screen. Irene and George Partee are celebrating their 50th along with George's birthday. Happy birthday to him, and to Pat Josten (she and Dave are celebrating their 30th anniversary this week) and Ruth Aberasturi ("someone" told us Ruth is 80 ... or was that a typo and she's really 39?). Congrats to all.


After seeing many people waiting at the JAC bus stops all over town, some sitting on the curb, some leaning against the signs ... please, city fathers/mothers, get some stimulus money and build a bench at each stop. They are sorely needed ASAP.


Dr. and Mrs. Clark Morres became proud grandparents of Lucy Malone (parents are Lauren and Kevin Malone of Baltimore), 8.5 pounds of adorableness (if that's even a word). A get well wish to Jeffery Scott; he's getting better as we speak. And a farewell to Carson City resident Marie Wolf. She passed away recently, and our deepest sympathies go out to her family.


"Me and Bobby McGee" will be at Comma Coffee at 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25 ...and it's free! Great tunes by June Joplin ("Me") and Bob Reid ("Bobby McGee"), with Norma Conway and Perry Arnn reprising their "Let's Take a Chance on Love" terpsichorean abilities as seen in the recent Senior Follies. Should be fun.


St. Teresa's Basque Festival is coming up on Sept. 19 at Fuji Park. Call 882-1968 for times, prices and tickets. The food is totally yummy, so don't miss this.

Auditions for "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown," will be at

10 a.m. Sept. 11 at the Brewery Arts Center. Kids 6-16 are invited to sing a song (1 minute) and learn a little dance. The show is really cute and will go onstage in November. Tuition is $95, but there are some scholarships available. Call 883-1976 for details.


Correction: Last week's column was headed, "Parallel parking now a draw to downtown." Wrongo, ... it should have read, "Parallel parking NOT a draw to downtown."

• Carolyn Tate and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. They can be reached by e-mail at editor@nevada


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