Past Pages Sept. 10

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Clem Berry: The case of Mr. Clem Berry who was charged with assault and battery came before Justice Cary. Clem showed the Justice that when he came to his room, he found a couple strangers in his bed. He took one of them by the neck and evicted him with a method of servicing such people - accompanying movement of his arms by a center shot with his foot. The Court coincided with Mr. Berry and dismissed the case.

Billy Lynch: The big score made at the archery targets by Billy Lynch was copied in the Sacramento papers and a few days ago, Mr. Lynch received a proposition to come down and shoot in the Sacramento Archery Club, the club offering to pay all expenses.


A Carson incorporation: Articles of Incorporation of the Nevada Carriage and Hardware Manufacturing Company were filed with the Secretary of State. The object is to manufacture, purchase, sell and deal in carriage hardware ... in carriages, buggies and other wheeled vehicles.


"Tahoe," the largest steamer on the Lake is sunk: "And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long treck's over" came to the famed lake steamer, "Tahoe," which was hauled away by a puffing launch from her berth at Tahoe City ... and sunk in the middle of the lake. Launched at Glenbrook, in 1896, by D. L. Bliss, she made 10 miles an hour on her trial trip, burning wood for fuel, later changed to oil. The previous year the Bliss family descendants sank the Meteor, earlier boat of the Bliss family, launched at Glenbrook in 1876.


The Carson high school Senators will kick off the football season competing with South Tahoe high school. The starting lineup was announced by coach Harry Dickson: Larry Felesina, Harold Herlan, Ed Johnson, Ronald Partelow, Don Clyde, Tom Hutchins, John Utt, Mike Griffin, Keith Lee, John Sullivan.


Nevada will have a $11.5 million-plus welfare funding shortfall in mid-1991 according to Human Resources Director Jerry Griepentrog.


Advertisement:Wallace Theaters, $4.50 bargain matinees daily, featuring "Way of the Gun," "Space Cowboys," "The Watcher."

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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