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130 years ago

(Continued from Thursday) Last night the Indians were getting ready for a raid on Chinatown, and the heathen were arming in defense of the altar of their fathers.

100 years ago

This noon a horse driven in a rig belonging to the Cook ranch fell dead back of the Walter Chedic residence. The old fellow had helped draw a lot of wood to town. While standing during unloading he staggered and fell dead. He died in the harness.

70 years ago

George E. Fettic has reported to the U.S. Naval training station in Farragut, Idaho. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fettic of Carson City.

50 years ago

Appeal Correction: We have been asked to retract the foul, premeditated attack made earlier this week on small foreign cars. Our front-page weather story stated several motorists driving such vehicles had trouble holding them on the road. We humbly withdraw all statements following consultation with small foreign car buffs.

20 years ago

The first nonstop around-the-world balloon flight could lift off as soon as the first of the year from Reno, Earthwinds pilot Larry Newman said recently.

10 years ago

One by one, Willow Bill called each of Barb Martin's Bordewich-Bray Elementary pre-first-graders into the center of the circle to assemble willow reindeer to be displayed at the Capitol.

• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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