Letters to the editor March 20

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GOP is hiding truth about prevailing wage

The story told about the prevailing wage by Republican assemblyman is a lie. The only way that the prevailing wage would be higher than a union member’s pay is if he was comparing a skilled trade, i.e. electrician, pipe fitter to an unskilled laborer’s pay. To do this is just plain lying, and as a 25 year Republican, I am sick of my party’s bull.

The prevailing wage does need changes, the wage for the southern half of the state needs to be set by Clark County and the northern half to be set by Washoe County. Right now a rural county’s prevailing wage can be as much as $10 an hour less than the going wage.

They will not get skilled labor at this price. I have seen it at the school in Smith Valley, they got a crew from California to do a lighting retrofit. The foreman could read and write, his crew spoke little English and he told them to hook up white to white black to black in Spanish. If they ran into another color they had no idea what to do. Maybe these are the employees this assemblyman hires to do his company’s work. Anyone who would hire his company should look into this.

I would not hire him, mostly because he is a liar. Excuse me I meant politician, but the words mean the same thing.

Rob Cobb

Carson City

Library wasted funds for roof replacement

In response to Fred Voltz’s letter to the editor pleading for the city to put a new roof on our city library, get in line!

Carson Animal Services Initiative has been fundraising to build a new well-needed animal shelter! We need $4 million and the city will help with $2 million, but CASI has to raise $2 million as well.

I suggest you start fundraising for your roof. It is a crying shame that the library threw $100,000 to campaign for the Learning Center (which was voted down by 2/3 of the voters) for their political agenda. It seems like the grannies so concerned about all grandkids’ educational future threw away at least that on their campaign agenda as well. Money that could have paid for a new roof and then some. Where were your priorities then?

Sunni Enciso Heinrichs

Carson City


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