The Churchill County School District Board of Trustees on Thursday will hold their first regularly scheduled meeting of September at the district administration office, 690 S. Maine St.
Trustees will discuss or take action on the following items:
• The latest student enrollment data will be provided to trustees.
• Consider approval of a change order in the amount of $42,036.52 to Ferguson Construction’s contract for the Northside Early Learning Center renovation project. The amount has been requested to cover the cost of additional work required in the student restrooms due to the discovery of a two-inch thick concrete floor slab.
• Consider approve of a change order in the amount of $20,220.89 to Ferguson Construction’s contract for the Northside Early Learning Center renovation project for removal of a third layer of roofing material on the front portion of the building. Superintendent Dr. Sandra Sheldon noted the construction crews are currently addressing items outside of school hours and on weekends.
• Discussion will be held and action is possible to increase the deposit limit into First Independent Bank from $10 million to $15 million to allow for maximum deposit earnings on district funds.
• Discussion regarding the preliminary construction project list for the summer of 2014.
• Trustees will discuss the possibility of creating an annual calendar of board work.
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