Past Pages for Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014

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140 years ago

A terrible accident in Gold Hill yesterday. About two o’clock at the 1,200-foot level of the Belcher mine, three men were badly injured by a blast. It is the usual practice at the mine to drill a half dozen holes at a time, in which cartridges of giant powder are inserted without tamping, and exploded with wires and a battery. A shift had touched off a blast but one of the charges had not exploded. The 11 o’clock shift started to sink it deeper when the cartridge exploded. The injured men say they blame no one.

130 years ago

On Sunday evening news reached Carson that two men had been buried in a snow-slide near Ophir. It appears they started from Circe & Spooner’s wood camp, about five miles from Ophir Station, intending to reach this city by snowshoe. About three miles from Ophir the wind blew a tree down. Almost immediately it gathered snow, and caught Antone Crete and Moses Kiendeau. Eighteen men searched for the men with no result.

100 years ago

Fifty feet of levee at the Big Five reservoir on the Humboldt river has given way under pressure of high water and considerable damage has been done to farming land at Lovelock.

70 years ago

Carson experienced a queer day in Old Man Winter’s program for February — first sunshine, then rain, and later snow. The day started beautifully with a pink and blue rainbow. After studying the rainbow for a moment, it was noted the pot of gold was just waiting seekers at the north end of town.

50 years ago

The Carson City Council will meet with the Ormsby County Commission tonight with the primary objective being a profitable discussion on city and county budgets and the possibility of hiring a full-time fire chief for Carson City.

30 years ago

A $142,000 shortfall in room tax funds sent Douglas County officials scrambling Monday to reduce budget requests for parks, libraries and grants to local groups.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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