The Carson City Chamber of Commerce is holding its Soup’s On! luncheon with the four candidates for Carson City Supervisor at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Gold Dust West.
The Chamber will hold the last candidates forum as a public service and as time permits, there will be the opportunity for citizen input.
Candidates attending are:
Ward 1: Karen Abowd, Lisa Helget and Ward 3: Lori Bagwell and John McKenna.
“It is important for citizens to know for whom they are voting before they go to the polls,” said Ronni Hannaman, Carson City Chamber director.
“Supervisors make many decisions affecting the pocketbooks of citizens as well as how this community will go forth in the next few years. It is incumbent upon all citizens to vote responsibly and, to vote responsibly, citizens must closely listen to what makes one candidate different/same from another.”
Reservations must be made by Monday to reserve a seat. Cost is $17 per person.
To reserve call 882-1565.
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