Carson City’s Joining Forces targets keeping pedestrians safe

Deputy Darin Riggin crosses Stewart Street during a pedestrian saftey awareness program in May 2015.

Deputy Darin Riggin crosses Stewart Street during a pedestrian saftey awareness program in May 2015.

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A Crosswalk Safety Operation on Tuesday resulted in 23 citations issued for failing to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

The Carson City Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with the Nevada Highway Patrol, held the operation Tuesday.

In total, 42 citations were issued, including various violations for cell phone use, speeding and seatbelt use, said Sgt. Scott McDaniel with the Carson City Sheriff’s Office.

Eight officers from both departments spent the day using marked crosswalks around the city to catch drivers who failed to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. It’s part of an initiative to educate the public on crosswalk safety and laws to decrease the amount of pedestrians hit while crossing the street.

“So far we have had a lot of positivity (with the operation),” McDaniel said. “People have been stopping and asking about pedestrian laws, so that is really good. We have gotten overwhelming positive feedback.”

Officers were stopping individuals who didn’t stop to let the pedestrians cross, but were also ticketing some individuals for cell phone use and seat belt violations.

They started on Stewart Street by the Carson Mall before moving to South Carson Street by Super Burrito.

The Cross Walk Safety Operation is a part of Joining Forces, a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement program that promotes traffic safety. Each month, Joining Forces focuses on a different aspect to target impaired or distracted driving, pedestrian safety, speeding and seat belt use. Their aim is to educate the public about these issues.

Pedestrians also can take the following steps to ensure they get across the street safely:

Choose clothes made of light or bright colors that are easier for drivers to see. If you’re walking in low-light conditions, carry a light or a reflector to add extra visibility.

If possible, choose to walk in areas with sidewalks or a wide shoulder to give yourself space away from traffic.

Always look both ways for traffic before crossing a street. Before stepping in front of a vehicle, make eye contact to ensure the driver sees you, plans on stopping and has time to stop.

Distractions can be deadly – Remove headphones, hang up your cell phone, texting can wait until you are safely out of the way of traffic.

Look up, listen, pay attention, and be aware of the environment around you.


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