The Churchill County School District Board approved at their Thursday night meeting to pay for all expenses for the Churchill County High School’s Jump-Start program.
With the recent implementation of Western Nevada College’s Jump Start to College program, the trustees decided at its meeting it would be beneficial for CCSD to include all expenses paid for from the Distributed School Account the district receives from the state for students.
Superintendent Dr. Sandra Sheldon said a representative for WNC informed her of the cost to send a student there: $93.50 per credit, a one-time $15 application fee and lab fees of $5.
CCHS Principal Kevin Lords said in order for students to graduate with their associates degree they must take 15 credits each semester.
Lords said juniors who are able to participate in the program are taking the full opportunity to excel and graduate with both a high school diploma and associates degree.
Trustee Greg Koenig said the district must make itself more attractive since it is competing with Oasis Academy, which is paying for its students’ full cost to participate in the Jump-Start program.
“We cannot just pay half of the cost for the Jump Start program,” Koenig said. “We need to make ourselves competitive so we can run head-to-head with the charter school; if we don’t we’re going to loose.”
Lords said he has heard there are 40 students who plan on leaving the district to attend Oasis’s Jump Start program.
Sheldon said there has not been any discussion yet on weather students will have to pay the district back if they fail classes.
Trustee Matt Hyde said he doesn’t believe students failing classes will be an issue because he thinks the program will attract highly motivated students who will want to attend the classes and succeed.
After further discussion the trustees agreed that the jump-start program students will have all expenses covered including: tuition, application fee, lab fees and books.
Other items the trustees approved or discussed include the following:
Approved the 2015-2016 school year calendar.
No motion to approve current period budget adjustments.
Tabled presentation regarding P4811 Early Retirement Incentive program and review and possible approval of applications for early retirement.
No motion regarding the potential for the district to self-insure for Workers’ Compensation.
No motion on construction of the auxiliary gym and approval on a design.
Approved special board meeting regarding budget at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 17.
Approved evaluation of superintendent.
Approved renewal contract for Kimi Melendy, director of Educational Services and Wil Jensen, director of Special Services.
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