Carson City TV webcasts not available, should be available soon

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Those who have been trying to watch public access television through on the Internet recently have noticed those channels haven’t been available.

Carson City Chief Information Officer Eric Von Schimmelmann said he’s working to make channel 193, the public access channel, and channel 191, the government channel, available via the Internet again. Carson City Board of Supervisors and Carson City School District Board meetings are among those featured on the government channel.

Von Schimmelmann said those broadcasts continue to be available on television. He said the Brewery Arts Center was providing those broadcasts over the Internet as a courtesy, but at this time the provider of the broadcasts through the BAC isn’t available.

He said an arrangement could be made to renew the web broadcasts through the Brewery Arts Center or another provider could be used. Von Schimmelmann said he didn’t have a timetable, but would bring the broadcasts back to the web as soon as possible.


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