Carson High School HOSA brings home awards, scholarships from state competition

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Carson High School’s HOSA-Future Health Professionals, one of four Career Technical Student Organizations part of the CHS Career and Technical Education program, sent more than 100 students to compete in the state HOSA–Future Health Professionals Leadership Conference in Las Vegas March 13-16 thanks to a $4,400 grant from Partnership Carson City and fundraising efforts by students.

The student team came away from the competition with five chapter awards, two scholarships, one student elected to state office for the upcoming school year, and 19 students qualified to attend the international conference in Tennessee this summer. In addition, the CHS chapter was awarded Chapter of the Year, based on membership, participation, volunteer hours, professionalism, advisor and chapter officer activity, and overall impact on the Nevada state organization.

Jenna Wong-Fortunato, a Carson High School senior currently serving as a state officer, said as an officer, she helped plan this year’s conference from opening to closing ceremonies, how to do workshops, as well as competing in dental science events. Wong-Fortunato was awarded the Linda Lopez Memorial Scholarship and first place in the Dental Science event during the competition.

“Being involved in HOSA gives students the opportunity to discover different health careers and learn more about yourself and how to be a part of the health care field,” she said.

Kathy Bartosz, executive director for Partnership Carson City, a not-for-profit organization that pairs Carson City residents in need with community resources, presented CHS CTE teacher Frank Sakalerios with the grant to help pay student expenses to the conference.

Bartosz said the CHS HOSA group was a significant help to Partnership Carson City during the organization’s remote area medical event last fall.

“I watched the students escort people who were having a difficult time getting from one area to another, helping with the intake nurses’ reviews, and they were so dependable and so well behaved, taking initiative to do what needed to be done.” she said. “We are really glad to help pay it back by allowing such a large group to go to state competition. I hope they all continue on in health occupations and bring themselves back to Carson City to practice one day.”

Sakelarios said the students held fundraisers throughout the year and the group was able to take the largest number of students since CHS began competing, selling 50/50 raffle tickets at all home football games, hosting a car wash and selling candles.

“We are so grateful for this grant that provided us with the balance of what we needed to make sure every student who wanted to compete was able to make the trip,” he said. “My co-advisor Kelly Gustafson and I are proud to work with these young adults and future healthcare professionals. We are even more proud to have them represent our chapter, our school, and the Carson City community.”

Winners will present to the school board at its next meeting March 22.

Carson High School Career and Technical Education HOSA — Future Health Professionals state competition winners:

Knowledge tests:

1st place Transcultural Healthcare: Rosidelia Bautista

4th place Medical Math: Gabriella Escobar

1st place Behavioral Health: Jonathan Ojo Ventura

5th place Pathophysiology: Ana Valdenegro

5th place Pharmacology: Kimberly Reyes

Healthcare Issues Exam (38 qualifiers total):

Helena Ashagrie

Jiavanna Wong-Fortunato

Italo DaSilva

Hannah Golik

Teamwork Events:

HOSA Bowl: 5th Hannah Golik, Mia Brozovich, and Jayson Artz

Recognition Events:

HOSA Chapter Reflections: Alison Greene

Barbara James Service Award: Gold (with OVER 300 hours) Victoria Defillippi

Leadership Events:

Healthy Lifestyle: 1st Kyndra Holloway

Health Profession Events:

Dental Science:

1st place Jenna Wong-Fortunato

2nd place Jiavanna Wong-Fortunato

5th place Tanattida Phanthong

Veterinary Science:

2nd Kara Berggren

Emergency Preparedness Events:

CPR: 3rd place Victoria Defillippi & Megan Tingle

4th place Italo DaSilva & Paul P.J. White

Fire Science: (state event only)

2nd place Italo DaSilva

3rd place Paul P.J. White

4th place Collin Gearlds

5th place Alexia Ball

HOSA Scholarship Recipient: Jonathan Ojo Ventura

Linda Lopez Memorial Scholarship: Jenna Wong-Fortunato

Nevada HOSA Post-Secondary Vice President: Jonathan Ojo Ventura

Chapter Awards:

Largest Chapter in the State with 303 members

Second largest membership with an increase of 70 members this year over last year

Second most members in attendance with 102

Gold award for 100 percent Health Science student membership

Nevada State Chapter of the Year

For more information on CTE programs and student organizations, contact Michele Lewis at (775) 283-1637.


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