Faith & Insight: NDOT life sermons: Expect delays

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Caution, slippery when wet, falling rocks, curves ahead, don’t enter, roadwork ahead, double penalties, no through traffic, yield, yield, yield, etc.

I’m sure all of us get frustrated with road construction, detours, alternate routes and things of the like. Do we, at times, have the same attitude and mindset when it comes to the direction and the walk of faith we have in Jesus Christ? Maybe it was the mood I was in, but I passed a road construction sign just the other day that was flashing: “EXPECT DELAYS. Exit 38!” Seriously, I laughed out loud! For a brief moment in this crazy thing called life things made sense. Expect delays! When wondering why the Lord doesn’t answer our prayers as quickly as we want or in the way we want, expect delays. When a situation isn’t resolved as quickly or to the efficiency we would think, expect delays.

By expecting delays we begin to refrain from the thought of things going exactly the way we wanted them to go. By expecting delays we resolve things may not be done in the time frame that suits our own purposes. But by expecting delays in our walk with Jesus, we will yield to the fact he’s in absolute control and we start trusting. That providential sovereignty is leading and guiding, protecting and directing, molding and shaping our lives. We have to resolve delays aren’t bad things but have a work to do; in, to and through us.

Here’s a thought! Have you ever noticed you really didn’t notice when the “expect delays sign” was no longer there? It’s only when we’re delayed.

Several places in the Bible we see verses we read and reread instructions on the subject. In some cases we’ve read them so often they may have lost impact. I pray this may never be the case with the Holy Scriptures in us.

Here are a couple of favorites:

“Be still and know that I am God.” — Psalm 46:10

“But they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.” — Isaiah 40:31

May we not be those who could not tarry.

In conclusion: Life: Expect Delays.

Patrick Propster is pastor of Calvary Chapel Carson City.


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