Giving, serving and learning what CHS is about

Phillip Brady

Phillip Brady

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Though the holiday season has come to an end, the students at CHS want the Carson City community to know the giving will be remembered and will continue. Carson High School’s NJROTC students surprised their instructors James Ingram and Daniel Meyer when, two weeks before the end of the semester, they voted to adopt five families for the holidays. The generous students and their families donated the funds, purchased the gifts and wrapped them all up before the end of the last day of school on Dec. 22. The students really outdid themselves, and clearly had a blast working together as a team. According to Kelly Edmundson, the Safe School Professional who helped facilitate the confidential family selection, “This was a big task to take on; the students were nervous at first, but they worked together as a team to make their vision come to fruition.” The families selected were extremely grateful for their generosity and struggled to find the words to express their appreciation. CHS NJROTC cadets, their families, and NJROTC leaders went above and beyond the call of duty by taking the initiative to give five families in need a brighter holiday season. Even though Christmas is over, CHS students refuse to stop giving. What more can they give some will ask? And this is where CHS stands out in the community because they will be donating their own life’s blood, yes blood. The blood drive happens Jan. 25 in the CHS library, and students in National Honors Society are asking the community of Carson City to keep on giving.


Spring sports signups began Jan. 13. If physicals are needed (every 2 years beginning with freshman year), forms are available at the NIAA website at under the forms tab or through the CHS Athletic Office during business hours. Both Form B and D are required for registration. Questions? Contact the Athletic Department at 775-283-1900 or log onto website.


The monthly meeting for SkillsUSA will occur Jan. 18 at lunch in the library. This is a mandatory meeting for all those intending to participate in the state competition. Yearbook pictures will be taken, so wear SkillsUSA t-shirts.


Interested in a career with the well-paying construction world? Interested in attending a Western Nevada College Construction Jump Start program next year as a senior? Please come to an information session on Jan. 19 in Room 163. This presentation will be held during A1, so a pass is needed in order to attend this meeting. Ask for a pass from Chris in Room 104.


Want to earn college credit while still at CHS? Want to be college and career ready? Then plan to attend Options Night on Jan. 19 to learn more about the AP and Jump Start College programs. Invite parents and friends to join in from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the CHS Library.


Save a life; please give blood. NHS’ Winter Blood Drive happens Jan. 25 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the CHS Library. Sign-up sheets and donor forms are available in room 221. Must be 16 years or older to donate, and donors must have a picture ID. Any student under 18 must bring a signed parent consent form. Snacks and drinks are needed for this event as well, so anyone interested in helping out is encouraged to call NHS advisor and teacher, Brian Branch at 775-283-1749, or email him at


Only 12 days remaining until the deadline for the Reflections contest. Entries must be delivered to the CHS library by Jan. 27 at 3 p.m. The PTSA Reflections Contest theme this year is, “What is Your Story?” Students have 6 categories in which to participate: literature, dance, music, film, visual arts (including 3D), and photography. CHS PTSA President LeAnn Saarem is available for any questions or help at Because of complications with the NV PTA’s submission deadline, local winners’ submissions will not be sent to the state competition this year. Remember, there will be cash prizes for winners in each category.


Carson High School’s website, has new information. There’s now an “Attendance Information” link at the top left-hand side under Quick Links. This link will give parents information on how to report a student absence, report appointments, or report something other than the aforementioned. The attendance manual is also listed, so parents may review CHS’ latest expectations from the Carson City School District.


Senator Scholarship Scoop is online at every Monday with the latest news about scholarships, testing, college visits, and grants. Graduation is less than five months away, so don’t be left wondering what to do next. Get some ‘how to’ tips Wednesdays after school in room 256. College Connections will provide guidance for college applications, scholarship applications, and preparing students applying for FAFSA.


Ruben Aretha Gonzalez is the student of the week. He’s a hard worker and always has a positive attitude. As a deaf student, he always goes the extra mile to work through interpreters to participate in class making positive and thoughtful contributions. CHS is an exceedingly better school to attend because of students like Ruben.


This week’s senior in the spotlight is Stella Carroll. Stella currently has a 4.85 GPA, which she maintains while taking many AP classes. Stella also completed a Career and Technical Education Pathway in Graphic Design. Aside from being an outstanding student academically, Stella participates extensively in extra-curricular activities at CHS. She has been a member of Varsity swimming, SkillsUSA, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, and Future Farmers of America. In addition, Stella works part-time at the Carson City Aquatic Center both as a cashier and a swim coach. As an animal lover, Stella volunteers at the Nevada Humane Society. Moreover, her talent in Graphic Design helped her to win the Western Nevada College Soccer Team Logo Contest. Her design will be featured on the WNC Soccer Team’s fan gear. After graduation, Stella plans to attend UNLV where she will major in Computer Science. CHS would like to thank Stella for her contributions to the school and the community.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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