Past Pages for Dec. 22-25, 2018

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 years ago

A fight. — We have been looking for one some time — that is to make a report of it. At last we found tin the shape of a big “husky” coming out of a saloon “headforemost,” and being followed by the enraged proprietor thereof with a mallet, who played the “bummer’s march” on the head of his victim to such good time, that all other fellows who are in the habit of saying: “This is mine, Mr. Barkeep,” took the shady side of the posts, and gave the individual a free chance. The last we saw of the loser, he was looking for a doctor for his head. Moral: “Dont go near gin shops without you you have got the coin to settle.”

130 years ago

The Board appointed by the last Legislature to make arrangements for the purchase of land for the Indian School have agreed on the property owned by Messrs. Ross and Miller at Clear Creek. The selection is generally looked upon as a good one.

100 years ago

If the war had continued throughout the winter America would have literally smothered the German front with a deluge of poisonous gases such as the Germans probably never dreamed of when they started this type of warfare.

80 years ago

Strings of electric globes of several bright colors were today hung on the large evergreen tree near the southwest corner of the capitol block, and it is expected that Carson’s largest Christmas tree will be a thing of great beauty evenings during the holiday season.

50 years ago

(Photo Caption) OK, so Harvey Gross has one of the finest Charolais cattle herds in the West, and one of the largest private herds of buffalo, but a dinosaur? Anyhow, this is a dinosaur found by an Appeal photographer in front of his home at the Gross ranch in Genoa. It doesn’t seem to mind the snow a bit, but for a dinosaur, you can’t really tell.

30 years ago

For the fourth consecutive year the Rotary Club of Carson City sponsored a children’s shopping spree Saturday. The club took 50 local children shopping.


150 years ago

Let Us Be Happy. Christmas is near at hand. Let us gather around the family hearth stone and table, and thank the Great Giver of all good that we are allowed to enjoy another year of peace and plenty. Shut up your turkeys and “stuff” them that they may be ready for the feast.

130 years ago

The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal Church desire to call attention to their ship with will be finished today. An old sailor has charge of it so it will come in with full sail. As there does not seem to be any promises of sleighing for Christmas, Santa Claus had concluded to come by boat.

100 years ago

United States supreme court today sustained a lower court ruling in the decision favoring the Associated Press, granting the latter an injunction to prevent Hearst associations from “pirating” Associated Press dispatches. The court said persons or organizations has a property right.

80 years ago

Following is the Christmas program which will be present at the Nevada orphans’ home at 7:30 p.m. Saturday evening: Song by All — “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.” Scripture and prayer — Mr. E.C. Sloan. Address of welcome — George Campbell. Song by all — “O. Little Town of Bethlehem,” etc.

50 years ago

The flu bug took Sammy Davis, Jr., out of a special twin entertainment bill Friday, leaving Comic Bill Cosby who had volunteered to play a two-night stand with Davis to do their show alone. Pat France, vice president in charge of entertainment at Harrah’s, said Davis had a temperature of 102 at noon Friday.

30 years ago

While the Sierra and Northern Nevada will be blanketed with a white Christmas this year, travelers would take advantage of a respite today between storms to scurry over the rivers and through the woods before the next big storm on Saturday.


150 years ago

The fancy dress party last evening was not only a success, but the most complete and beautiful affair of the sort we have seen in many a day. Just before nine o’clock the procession of school children in fancy costumes entered the hall from an ante-room, proceeded by a fife and drum band. We will venture to say that no school children, anywhere, had a more delightful time on Christmas Eve than the boys and girls at the fancy dress party.

130 years ago

Nevada is again agitating a proposition to raise the “age of consent” in the case of female children above 12 years, the existing limit. In California matters are even worse than in Nevada, 10 years being the figure.

100 years ago

The report of the director of the mint for the fiscal year ending June 30th has been received by this office. Deposits received: 468; value, gold $270,831; silver, $115,719; a total of $386,550. Income $1,961.51; expenses from appropriations, $7,632.38; number of employees, 5.

80 years ago

The community Christmas observance, annually sponsored by Capitol Post No. 4 of the American Legion, was held in the high school gymnasium last evening and was a great success. The program of high class pressed all present. Especially praised were the solos sung by Miss Edna Folsom and Mesdames N.C. Brown and W.S. Sparks to soft accompaniment by the Carson City Band.

50 years ago

A seven-inch snowfall and drifts considerably higher gave Ormsby County residents a picture postcard Christmas and produced road conditions bad enough to sorely try any Christian, or non-Christian for that matter.

30 years ago

Mike Hess, the big game staff biologist for the Nevada Department of Wildlife in Reno, said Tuesday “I don’t see much hope” for this area remaining the winter home for a large number of deer.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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