Letters to the Editor for Nov. 24, 2018

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‘Mustangs Roam Free’

We came to visit our friends today,

To watch them romp and run and play.

In awe of these beautiful creatures God made.

Their coats seem to shimmer in sunlight or shade.

These mustangs call this grazeland their home,

As across the sage-brushed fields they roam.

Battle-scarred, weary, bold and sleek,

Trudging the dusty mountain peaks.

Struggling to sneak an occasional sip

From the disappearing meadow pond,

Aware of its value as it coats parched lips.

Conserving for the days beyond.

Folks say their time here’s short, I think

And soon they’ll be what some call, “extinct”

And powerful ignorants stand in their way

They cast them aside as a nuisance and stray.

So hold your head high oh nature’s son.

By no means has your race been run.

Mustang roam free ‘cross the desert sand,

Designing the rules in the law of the land.

Run free, run wild and set the pace

And stake your claim in sweet life’s race

Roam free my friend ‘til the journey’s end

On this rangeland bed you must depend.

It seems each time we visit,

your patch of solitude seems smaller,

Yet you prance about with heads held high,

And with each new day you stand much taller.

Skittish and surefooted,

Hoof prints firmly rooted.

Son, the best days lie ahead for you

Your will is strong and your heart is true.

Through hunger and thirst

Overcoming the worst,

As you lead your herd to a special place,

May the sun’s rays gently warm your face.

Roam free and strong,

As you forge along,

‘cross your homeland fields

Where you belong.

Kelley Cone Hopkins


Columnist is playing identity politics

Guy Farmer accusing Dems of playing identity politics is pretty ironic. How does he think Trump got elected? (Well, maybe he got an assist from Russia). Identity politics/stereotyping is kind of Guy’s and Trump’s thing. Guy seems to be going full Trump these days; when criticized, falsely accuse your critics and blame Democrats.

Recently, he reported on Sen. Warren’s DNA test results and he couldn’t even get the Pocahontas story correct (not Trump’s story, the real one). If, as Guy states, Pocahontas had accompanied Lewis and Clark on their journey west, she would have been more than 200 years old! He’s confusing her with Sacajawea, at least get the right Native American, Guy! This is the same Guy who claims to be a Rule of Law Guy and yet seemingly in his Nevada Day column admitted our state and university system, with the help of a couple of his politician buddies, opted out of non-resident tuition for his son.

This is the same Guy who has called transplanted Californians ignorant voters and who went on a rant criticizing his fellow opinion columnist Susan Stornetta for urging people to vote for thinking, balanced people and yet told us he was voting for all Republicans in order to punish the Dems for his perception of the Kavanaugh hearings, even though none of the Dems on our ballot were involved. Who is the ignorant voter? This is the same Guy who, like Trump, ignored the impassioned pleas of Mollie Tibbetts’ parents to not politicize their daughter’s death; way to go, Guy!

This is the same Guy who never seems to pass up an opportunity to criticize Californians/ex-Californians or immigrants of color from the south. This is the same Guy who, like Trump, says Democrats want open borders even though I never heard a single candidate say that. This is the same Guy who, like Trump, has, on more than one occasion, had to claim that he is not a racist. I could go on, but space is limited.

Vincent Barnes

Carson City


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