150 Years Ago
Mark Twain to be married: He is going to be married and wants to settle down. The young lady who has captivated the gushing Mark resides in the town of Elmira, New York, is an only daughter, rich, handsome and in every respect a suitable companion for an orphan like Mark. He will take a break from lecturing but says, “I shall lecture in San Francisco in April or May. Come down boys, I can’t go to Virginia (City), having killed myself there twice already in the lecture business.” (Enterprise)
140 Years Ago
The temperance movements: There was another throng at Moore & Parker’s Hall. Amongst the audience were some of the foremost ladies of Carson society. Dr. D. Banks McKenzie has created enthusiasm in the matter. Men who fairly laughed and couldn’t exist throughout the day without their two or three cocktails before breakfast, have signed the pledge. There never was a move made in Carson in any direction that completely interested everybody as this one.
130 Years Ago
A smash-up: Alex McKenzie of Genoa left a heavy team of black horses unhitched in front of Bryan’s restaurant. They were frightened by the rattling of some oyster shells and started on a dead run up the street. In front of Chedic’s grocery, they ran into a saddle horse belonging to Mr. Nevers and broke the horse’s right leg. When reaching Zehner’s corner, the team split by the horses taking opposite sides of the telegraph pole and smashed the front of the wagon in. The damage done was considerable—all from neglect and noncompliance with the city ordinance relative to hitching horses.
110 Years Ago
Yerington starts V & T (continued from yesterday):
When Mr. Yerington began to extend his line to Reno there was opposition—John Lake who owned “Lake’s Crossing” jumped out in front of the grading gang when it arrived opposite his ranch in Washoe valley with a shot gun and said he would kill the first man attempting to remove the fence he had built. Mr. Yerington ordered his freckle faced Irishman to take the gun away from Lake and that was the last opposition to the road.
To H. M. Yerington--white-haired and hindered by a series of accidents, is entitled to credit for the railroad. It has never killed a passenger, never been refunded, never missed a full day’s schedule and never refused a favor to a friend…. Congratulations on a fourth decade.
50 Years Ago
State Employees win salary increase: The Senate Finance Committee voted to give 5,000 state workers an average 10.4 per cent pay increase that was recommended by Gov. Paul Laxalt.
20 Years Ago
First lady Dema Guinn: After renovations, remodeling and refurbishing, the Governor’s Mansion has had noticeable changes. The mansion sits on 1.6 acres of property. There are additions of the North Hall and the new garages on the south side. There are five bedrooms and four bathrooms in the home upstairs. Downstairs are two sitting rooms, a family room, bar, kitchen, bathroom, office and security areas…
150 years ago
The Overland Mail — An immense amount of Eastern mail, tattered and torn, aged and soiled, recently passed over the Central Pacific to California. But little of the back mail due here has as yet arrived. The recent storm threatens another long delay.
130 years ago
A Mysterious Murder. William Saddler, better known as “Prospect Bill” came into town Monday evening and notified the authorities that he and Jerry Haines had that morning discovered the dead body of Balma Celes, a Frenchman, lying in the road near his cabin in Pine Nut. Death came from a blunt instrument at the base of the skull. Thus ends another episode in the tragic history of Pine Nut. Could those pine covered hills give testimony to the bloody scenes that have been enacted there, our peacefully disposed people would soon be surfeited with sickening sensations.
100 years ago
John Amodie, lately returned from overseas duty, is visiting friends in Sacramento.
80 years ago
Column “Seen, Heard, or Thought” by E.T.C. Heard a story about three small boys each whom thought his dad about the greatest man on earth. The first announced: “My father is a lawyer. He goes into court and makes a talk and gets five hundred dollars for it.” “That’s nothing,” said the second boy. “My dad’s a surgeon. It takes him about twenty minutes to cut a man’s leg off and he gets a thousand dollars for the job.” The third small chap was stumped, but thought for a moment. “My father is a preacher. It takes him about thirty minutes to preach a sermon and the church has to have four men bring up to the altar the people give!”
50 years ago
The Leisure Hour Club, one of the oldest clubs in Carson City was formed in 1896 when an intellectual group felt the need for improvement of their knowledge of literature, art, history and current events. The first program started in April, 1896, and the first months are devoted entirely to the study of the English poet Browning.
30 years ago
Smokers who end up in jail after Monday may get more than they bargained for. They will get a free smoking cessation program with the institution of a new no smoking policy in the Sheriff’s Department and jail.
150 years ago
Another case of small pox. Elder E. C. Brand is ill with the small pox. A severe case, we are told. We understand the he remains in his residence on Fifth street. If he chooses to stay there during his illness it is doubted if the authorities have a legal right to remove him.
130 years ago
A meteor of remarkable brilliancy was seen at Portland, Oregon Sunday evening. It was visible for about fifteen seconds. While moving, myriads of stars of all colors were whirled off like rockets, making most beautiful celestial fireworks. Its brilliancy was so intense that shadows were cast within twenty feet of electric lights.
100 years ago
Last evening the angel of death claimed little Francis Walker, only child of Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Walker. Never robust, the little fellow contracted whooping cough some weeks ago. This was followed by influenza and pneumonia.
80 years ago
The house placed on its calendar today a bill that would provide for the indefinite detention in concentration camps of undesirable deportable aliens who have not obtained passports from their native countries.
50 years ago
(Photo Caption) Gov. Paul Laxalt this morning signed into law a bill consolidating Carson City and Ormsby with officials watching. Before signing the document, Governor O’Callaghan said, “I am not going to sign the bill into law, I’m really going to veto it.” After an appropriate pause, he added, “April fool!”
30 years ago
A new wall clock in the lobby of the Legislative Building dedicated to a pioneer lobbyist has set off a silent battle among lawmakers who question the memorial’s appropriateness.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006, and Trent Dolan is his son.
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