Night of remembrance in Carson City

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Carson City, along with other communities in Northern Nevada, is remembering today the 18th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, when a day of terror changed the way of life for future generations.

A night of remembrance coordinated by the Carson City Christian Ministerial Fellowship begins at 6 p.m. at the Mills Park 911 Memorial Site near the entrance to the Marv Teixeira Pavilion. On Dec. 18, 2001, President George W. Bush officially designated 9/11 as Patriot’s Day, a time to reflect and remember the day’s events. In addition to Carson City’s night of remembrance, the city of Fernley and the Nevada Veterans Coalition will conduct a remembrance at 10 a.m. at the Out of Town Park gazebo, and Fallon’s ceremony also begins at 10 a.m. behind the City Hall Courtyard.

“We will begin with a time of worship, prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance,” said Pastor Pat Propster of Calvary Chapel in describing the Carson City event. “Mayor Bob Crowell, Sheriff Ken Furlong, Fire Chief Sean Slamon will once again, as in years past, bring inspiring words and thoughts. Each of those times will be followed by moments of prayer by a local area pastors.”

Propster said almost 18 years ago the nation’s resolve was tested. He said a way of life for millions of people was threatened not only on 9/11 but also for the days to follow.

“Because of God’s amazing grace, because of the faithful dedication of those who put their lives in harm’s way, we are still One Nation Under God, Indivisible,” Propster said. “May it be that our thanksgiving and gratitude would be at gatherings of reflection and heartfelt remembrances across this nation on 9/11. Our way of life was threatened that day and the days that followed.”

The morning of 9/11 not only affected New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania but also the rest of the country when terrorists hijacked two passenger jets and flew them into New York City’s World Trade Center, another slammed into the Pentagon and a fourth jet crashed in a western Pennsylvania field. Passengers on Flight 93 overwhelmed hijackers in an unsuccessful attempt to wrestle control of the plane from them.

On this day 18 years ago, more than 3,000 passengers, first-responders and people in the three buildings died in the worse act of terrorism committed on American soil. The total of fatalities included 343 firefighters and 72 law enforcement officers, and more than 6,000 were injured.

“As a nation we cried out to our Sovereign Lord for His guidance in one of the greatest hours of need in our lifetime,” Propster added. “Out of the ashes we have remained strong, together, faithful, with our eyes on the bigger picture of who we are: A people united in each of our amazing states.”

Propster said people pushed back their anger and hatred that occurred on this country’s soil. Furthermore, he added a new generation of Americans have been born since 2001 when that day of terrorism “brought us all to prayerful knees.” He said future generations need to learn of people’s greatness during one of this country’s darkest days and how people cared for one another.

“Let’s take time to remember, retell and share the truths of our amazing spiritual history and how this nation came to be,” Propster pointed out. “In so doing, maybe, just maybe we will see a decline in disunity, and decline of malice, strife and violence. Maybe, just maybe, entitlement would be replaced with encouragement, division would be replaced with diplomacy, anger would be replaced by ability, disunity would be replace by patriotism.”

During last year’s remembrance, Crowell said 9/11 reaffirms the basic goodness of the country’s people and how they use their collective strength and wisdom to persevere in times of adversity.

“Today we cherish and recommit ourselves to the ideals and values upon which our nation, the greatest nation in the history of the world, was founded,” Crowell said.

Crowell said 9/11 is a day for remembrance to respect the men and women who lost their lives as well as their families and friends who now live with only their memories. Furlong said thousands of casualties affected many people in this country and around the world. He said the terrorism from 18 years ago must never be forgotten because if forgotten, then people are destined to repeat history.

Propster said people can remember the sacrifices of 9/11 by thanking those who serve others.

“Thank a veteran and those in uniform, pray for all service personnel and first responders, attend remembrance services,” he suggested. “How about simply allowing somebody the right of way, open the door for somebody, random acts of kindness, a friendly wave, a sincere neighborly smile or looking out for needs of others. These just a few simple ways that strengthen our resolve and guarantee our Nation’s continuance as it was founded.

Propster offered a closing thought: “It’s been said, ‘People aren’t really interested in how much we know until they know how much we care.’”


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