Senator Square: Time for the happiest homecoming on earth

Phillip Brady

Phillip Brady

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Friday the 13th featured no bad luck at Carson High. On this day, beginning at 1:18 p.m. was an assembly in the Big Gym during the last class of the day as an introduction to CHS’ Happiest Homecoming on Earth. Leadership students led the assembly with the first activity being the introduction of the Homecoming King and Queen candidates who made their grand entrance onto the floor. Each student, male and female, threw out a “pickup line” of some hilarity in order to make their entrance memorable as CHS students are the ones who get to vote for their King and Queen, not the teachers. Homecoming week officially begins Monday with Toy Story Monday.

Students are free to dress up western or in a flannel, have a lunch time Disney trivia activity with the game Kahoot in Senator Square, and a nighttime bonfire and club fair from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the practice football field. Tuesday offers Tiki Room Tuesday with Hawaiian dress-up, a lunch time activity of board games, and the nighttime Lip Sync Battle at 7 p.m. in the Community Center. On Wednesday is Jungle Cruise dress-up, animal print or camo, a lunch time activity of Wednesday Night Live in Senator Square and WNL 7 p.m. in the Community Center. Thursday offers Mad Tea Party dress-up being a mix and match of crazy socks, a lunch time activity of musical chairs in Senator Square, and a nighttime drive-in movie beginning at 7:45 p.m. behind the home bleachers. Entrance is free, but students are asked to bring a lawn chair and their student IDs. Friday offers world of color, or lack of, dress up being whiteout or Disney, with a lunch time activity pep rally, and the ultimate nighttime activity of the Homecoming football game against Hug with the theme continuing as whiteout and Disney. For the first time ever, the seniors are having a powdered color event on the lawn from 5:45 to 6:15 p.m., the parade begins at 6:30, and the game starts at 7 with the ‘Crowning’ of the King and Queen at halftime. Happiest Homecoming on Earth culminates with a Saturday, Sept. 21 Homecoming Dance from 7 to 10 p.m. in Senator Square. Students must purchase dance tickets; they are on sale in Student Finance for $5 with SBC sticker, $7 without or $15 at the door. All students show student ID card and are not allowed to carry in bags. The 2019-20 senior class invites all of Carson City to CHS for the grand finale of the Happiest Homecoming on Earth.


Another successful open house took placed for 2,400 students and their families at CHS. The Social and Emotional Learning Committee thanks the following contributors for another successful Open House, Open Hearts evening: Francisco’s, Pizza Factory, Round Table Pizza, Port of Subs, Trader Joe’s, Walmart, CHS Culinary, US Sub Base, Firehouse Subs, Dutch Bros. and the 34 different community resource partners who joined in for the community fair. The staff, students, and families of CHS appreciate all the support.


CHS is honored to have many of its own NJROTC cadets competing in the U.S. National Orienteering Competitions throughout the school year. Recently, these students participated in the Sprint Competition at Cabrillo College in Aptos, CA. Cadet Jared DeSelms is pictured attacking a set of stairs at the college, cadet Riley Dunn stays ahead of the competition, and cadets Bryar Fancher and Riley Dunn get out in front of the crowd at the mass start of the sprint race. Cadet Nate Ingram focuses on the terrain ahead, and cadets Bryar Fancher, Riley Dunn, Trinity Harvey, Garrett Nussbaumer, Nate Ingram, Kyle Navarro, and Cadet Jared DeSelms are pictured from left to right. Garrett Nussbaumer proudly shows off his well-deserved medal. Riley Dunn is #1 in the nation in the long and middle courses, M-18, and Nate Ingram is #5 in the nation in Sprint.


CHS FCA adviser Ty McMillen and the CHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes are at it again with their messages of love across the campus. This time, FCA members were asked to talk with teachers about their testimonies. What is a testimony? It is the sharing of evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something, that is a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience. FCA members are looking for teachers willing to visit with FCA members, and CHS Spanish teacher JP Albert responded to the request. Sept. 10, Albert spoke to students about the person he used to be and the person he became after giving his life to Christ. He talked about some of the tougher times in his life, the loss of his father when he was just 21, and he discussed with students the person he is becoming. During Albert’s testimony, Mr. Brady said, “I began tearing up a bit as some of JPs story reminded me of my own.” The goal of FCA is to foster unity and support between people of all walks of life, not just athletes, as they follow their faith through word, deed, and sharing. FCA meets every Tuesday during lunch in Adviser Ty McMillen’s room, 214. All are welcome to attend and receive a couple pieces of pizza…for free of course.


The CHS Blue Thunder Band is having a fundraiser at Pizza Factory Sept. 17. Pizza Factory, located at 3120 Highway 50 East, is donating 20 percent of the proceeds to the CHS Blue Thunder Bands. The fundraiser takes place from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., so come anytime for a delicious meal, and support the band.


CHS Language Arts teacher Regina White said, “We invite you to come see the amalgamation of talent from the students of CHS that has created a hilarious night for all ages; this two-hour show will feature original skits written from the creative minds of the theater arts students, as well as starring some of the most outgoing teenagers in the school.” White went on to say, “This behemoth of a production will have sketches ranging from the way Disney characters act behind stage to a surefire way to avoid a lonely Homecoming night.” Tickets are $5. “This is one of the largest and most exciting nights of the school year, and by coming you will not only be supporting the theater department, you will also have the most exciting Wednesday night you have had this year” she added. WNL is 7 p.m. Sept. 18 in the Carson City Community Center.


Homecoming is here, which means the Lip Sync Battle is in full swing. The Battle happens Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. in the Community Center. There are great prizes for the winning team. The winning team gets free tickets to the CHS Homecoming dance. The cost is $3 with an SBC Sticker and $5 without. Contact CHS teacher and Leadership adviser Ann Britt at 283-1769, or email her at for details.


To everyone interested in participating in a potentially lucrative endeavor, not to mention supporting FFA, it is time for Pony Plop. This annual event is fast approaching and will be at the CHS Homecoming football game during half-time. FFA members are selling Pony Plop Squares at $5 each, or the really serious Pony Ploppers may purchase five squares for $20, and a purchase will automatically enter participants in a raffle to win $75. If the pony ‘plops’ on a participant’s square, the gambler…oops, participant…wins the grand prize of $250. Talk to an FFA student, see CHS Ag teacher Charles Mann in room 161, Rebecca Glocknitzer in room 171, call Mr. Mann at 283-1690, or email him at to purchase a square.


Over 40 students gathered in the CHS Library this week to plan the Annual Week of Respect, Sept. 30 through Oct. 4. The SEL Committee traditionally spearheads this weeklong celebration of kindness, inclusion, acceptance and respect, but his year students were encouraged to join the planning team to generate ideas how CHS may foster more respect on campus. Students will meet again Sept. 18 at lunch to finalize event details.


Female students will be exploring careers in surgery and engineering. All they need to do is apply to participate in this free, one-day program. They get to explore hands-on workshop modules, and receive mentorship from women, surgeons, and engineers. Apply online at


Some of the upcoming college representatives, if students are interested in hearing about particular colleges and all that college recruiters have to offer (often that means free swag!) grab a pass from the Counseling Office in order to attend. Coming up: Montana Sept. 27, and Portland Oct. 18. Check back here regularly for updates and info on these college visits.


Time to register for winter sports: Boys and girls basketball, wrestling, skiing, winter cheer, and club bowling will be open until Nov. 13, and all athletes must register online at Those already in a sport from this fall need to select the winter sport. Photo or cell phone pictures of physicals will be accepted if readable. Form B of the NIAA pre-participation form must be signed by both parent and athlete with both pages uploaded together. Form D, physical history, must be uploaded separately from Form B. If no physical is needed, complete and submit top portion. Medical insurance is covered by Carson City School District for any school sponsored activity. If student already has medical insurance, CCSD will be a secondary insurance. Questions? Contact the Athletic Department at 283-1900, or go to for more information.


Emmanuel Alvarez is the CHS Student of the Week. Though now a junior, his sophomore Honors World History teacher, Nicole Fagundes, nominated him. Fagundes said, “Eman is a great student, always has a positive attitude, and recently competed in a trampoline contest in Las Vegas and brought home two 2nd place awards.” Fagundes added, “He maintains A’s and B’s and spends a tremendous amount of time and dedication training for his trampoline competitions.” Congratulations to ‘Eman’, as his friends call him, for gaining the positive attention of his friends and his teacher.


Tara Mahoney is this week’s Senior in the Spotlight! Tara came to Pioneer High School as a 10th grade student, and two years later she is looking forward to graduation and moving on to what the world has to offer her. Like many students at Pioneer, Tara was looking for a smaller environment and more one-on-one attention to help her become more successful in school. Tara has worked with the teachers at Pioneer to help her become an outstanding student, and though she may run into challenges along her journey, she knows she has the skills and determination to achieve her goals. Tara plans to move to Washington State after graduation and attend community college; she will then transfer to Seattle University or Washington State University to pursue a bachelor’s degree. She has not decided on an area of study yet, but she is confident once she attends college she will choose something that matches her personality. Congratulations to Tara Mahoney on becoming the Senior in the Spotlight of Pioneer High School – contributed by PHS counselor Cary Jordan.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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