The potential sale of a portion of Carson City School District property north of the Professional Development Center and proposed changes to the district’s homework policy will be up for discussion among other items at Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Carson City School Board.
Tuesday’s agenda includes discussion and possible action on the potential sale of an allotment of property to the north of the Professional Development Center at 604 W. Musser St. The land consists of about 17,500 square feet and is represented by Nevada Premier Commercial Real Estate.
Associate Superintendent Tasha Fuson also will lead discussion on changes to proposed policy 212 regarding homework for students and newly proposed policy 555 regarding safe exposure to the sun. There also will be an informational update on the 2019-20 Summer School Enrichment and Intervention programs within the district.
In his regular report to the trustees, Superintendent Richard Stokes will introduce Carson High School’s new Principal Bob Chambers. Chambers, who has served as the school’s vice principal, is replacing outgoing principal Gavin Ward, who has accepted a position in the Douglas County School District.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. Tuesday. People can attend the meeting remotely by going to the district’s website at and clicking on “School Board,” then “Join 6/9 School Meeting” to view options for virtual and telephonic participation.
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