Past Pages for November 21 to 24, 2020

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145 Years Ago

Chloroform: David Wilson who attempted to administer chloroform to workmen at the Lake View House with the purpose of robbing the same was found guilty in the Ormsby County District Court and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary.

140 Years Ago

Popcorn balls: The man or woman never lived who would not take a chance at anything that presented half a show. Lamoureaux sells popcorn balls at five cents apiece. The little girl who buys the right one gets a five-dollar doll for her luck. Even if one does not receive a doll, the corn is worth the money.

130 Years Ago

Jolly wedding at Circe’s Hotel: Mr. P. Lauzon of Virginia (City) and Miss A. Chouillard, were married at Circe’s Hotel by Rev. Father Sheridan, the Catholic Priest. The wedding drew together the French Four Hundred, and the Western part of the State was well represented. Guests (in part) were the families of Spooner, Couillard, Poirier, Prezeau, Dupuis, Aube, Dorais, Brule, Letourneau, Trudelle…. Wedding gifts were given to the happy couple—A finely decorated silver castor, D. Circe; a set of silver tea and table spoons, M. E. Spooner; a gold thimble, Willie Circe; Lmyra rug, Mr. and Mrs. Dorais…. After the ceremony there was a ball in the dining room which lasted until morning.

100 years ago

Advertisement: “Thanksgiving Eve Dance given by Capitol Post Orchestra at the Armory Hall. Admission—Gentleman and Lady… $1.00 plus War Tax 10 cents extra. Light refreshments will be served during intermission at 25 cents…”

70 Years Ago

Carson City ‘Refreshed:’ Nevada’s capital received a refresh look as it was deluged with 6.2 inches of rain. The Carson River receded and National guardsmen were still on duty keeping logs and branches from piling against the big bridge east of the prison. The river poured over its banks in the vicinity of the Darling ranch, where Empire used to stand.

20 Years Ago

Best fourth mannered city: Etiquette expert Marjabelle Young Stewart, author of “Common Sense Etiquette,” has named the top best-mannered cities. Las Vegas has placed fourth. Listed are the 10 Best-Mannered Cities (in part): 1. Charleston, S. C., 2. The Quad Cities; Davenport and Beffendorf, Iowa; Moline and Rock Island, Ill., 3. Milwaukee, 4. Las Vegas, 5. Mobile, Alabama…


145 Years Ago

Death of the Vice President: Flags were at half-mast on the Mint, the Capitol, the Court House, the engine houses and on various hotels and dwelling in honor of the death of Vice President, Henry Wilson.

140 Years Ago

A library: The Rooms of the Ladies Circulating Library and Reading Room on Carson street, next door to the Savings Bank are open every day…. The payment of fifty cents per month entitles each member to all the privileges of the Library. The reading public are invited to visit these rooms and avail themselves.

130 Years Ago

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Carson: A new pipe organ is soon to be placed in St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. It will be the second one in Nevada, there being a very good one in the Methodist Church at Austin. (Journal). There is also one in St. Paul’s Church, Virginia City.

100 Years Ago

Proposed landing fields: The government is urging landing fields for airplanes along the route of the different highways across the continent. Commissioners along the route of the Lincoln highway are taking up this important matter.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson Theatre—Saturday, ‘The Iroquois Trail’ with Brenda Marshall, George Montgomery. Based on the story by James Fennimore Cooper, Suspense, Adventure! Sunday, “The Skipper Surprised His Wife,’ with Robert Walker, Joan Leslie, Edward Arnold, Spring Byington. It’s hilarious, the funniest comedy ever made of ‘Home Sweet Home!’”

20 Years Ago

Photo caption: Artist Steven Saylor works on a rough sketch of the McKeen Car poster he will complete. A handful of celebrities will adorn the poster which will raise money for the restoration of the historic railroad car.


145 Years Ago

St. Peter’s musical soiree: The ladies of St. Peters have had a meeting and agreed upon a dancing and musical soiree. The church is considerably in debt, and the ladies have hit upon this method of reducing the amount. We hope that this project may meet with success as the ladies mean to deserve it, we mean to help them achieve it.

140 Years Ago

Insane asylum: The Genoa Courier says—What Carson wants with an insane asylum is more than anyone can figure out. A lunatic asylum, with 75 active lunatics, two months every two winters ought to satisfy a small town.

130 Years Ago

Advertisement: “How does this strike you? Cashmere pants, $2.50; Cashmere suit of clothes, $8.00; working shoes, … 2 pair cotton socks 12 ½ cents, 5 cans table fruit $1.00. To be had at Chas. H. Kelly’s, Carson’s leading merchant.”

100 Years Ago

“Thanksgiving Play:” The following have character parts: Charles Kitzmeyer, Grace Bordewich, John D. Winters…. The prologue will be given by Sylvia Crowell. The following will take part in songs, dances, etc.: Roy Kelley, Gordon Hunting, George Sanford, Leonard Blumstrom, Blanche Sweetland, Ruth Lindsay…

70 Years Ago

Classified ads: Furnished apartments—Veterans Housing Project. Veterans only. No dogs. Office, East 2nd and Pratt.

For rent: New one-bedroom house with fireplace at New Empire. $50 per month. E. W. Miller & Son.

For rent: 4-room furnished house $30 per month. Virginia City.

20 Years Ago

Burning man: More than 26,000 free spirits from 40 states and 20 countries took part in the Burning man festival. The festival began in San Francisco in 1986 and moved to Black Rock desert in 1990. They will be able secure a special recreation permit again next year.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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