145 years ago
Ben Lackey returned yesterday from the scene of his exploits in trailing the Belleville stage robbers. He looks weather-beaten and is lame form a sprained ankle. He says they had a rough time of it. After all their chasing and trailing and excellent detective work, to find when he got to Columbus that the birds had been caged, was not the most encouraging circumstance of his trip. Ben looks cheerful and bears up under his misfortunes with a smile which breaks through the peeling skin of his cheeks like the mellow pulp through the rind of a baked apple.
130 years ago
Chinatown to Test the Opium Act. Chinatown is greatly agitated because of the arrests of Chinese for smoking opium. An intelligent Chinese merchant told an Appeal reporter that he does not believe that it is the intention of the law to restrict his countrymen from indulging in their national dissipation. He stated that it was his purpose to test the constitutionality of the act, so far as the Chinese are concerned, in the Supreme Court.
120 years ago
The Knights Templar of Reno and Virginia City will attend divine services in this city today.
110 years ago
Ah Lee, the man from China who was arrested in Humboldt County for smuggling opium, plead guilty to the charge before Judge Farmington yesterday and was fined $300 and ten days in jail. The opium was destroyed and its value set at $600.
100 years ago
Another of the venerable monarch amongst the big trees in the Calaveras world famous of arbor giants has been laid low, according to word brought by Edgar Whiteside. This time the winds of the winter have humbled Lafayette, the tallest giant in the grove.
145 years ago
The snow storm which has come upon us is unprecedented. Not even the oldest inhabitant has ever before seen six inches of snow on the 10th of April. We are afraid this storm will do no little damage to fields and farms — for already the ground in many places was too wet for plowing — and of course this will set things back some days.
140 years ago
Hawthorne is 100 miles from the Mound House. The various stations between the two places, and the distances from the starting point, are as follows: Dayton, 6 miles, Clifton 18, Fort Churchill 26, Washout 28, Wabuska 38, Cleaver 42, Mason 45, Rio Vista, 54 Reservation 58, Schulz 65, Gillis 78, Hawthorne 100.
130 years ago
A Cool Robbery. On Thursday evening James Conroe, who deals faro for Al White in Reno, was making up his cash account about midnight, when a masked man confronting him with a six-shooter, lifted two sacks of $400 cash each from the table and disappeared. The officers got the man not long afterwards as he was boarding the train, and recovered $270 of the money.
120 years ago
The gathering of school teachers in this city during the past few days has been quite a notable event for Carson. It has added much to our general fund of information, and likewise contributed t the zest of social life. In no State in the Union is better provision found for the educational interests of the people.
100 years ago
Hobos Numerous. Many hobos have made their appearance in this section of the state. As a usual thing Mr. Hobo does not get far from the main line, but this spring many have been in and out of this valley, but just what the attraction is no one seems to know. The sheriff’s office has been busy the past couple of weeks answering callers from difference sections of the city where Weary Willies have put in an appearance.
145 years ago
The Post Office Difficulties. — Yesterday it was rumored that the Post Office was in charge of the United States Marshal. Of course this created a sensation. It was subsequently stated that Edgar Pierce, a young man of twenty or thereabouts (who was reared in Carson), who had for several months been a clerk in the Post Office, had been arrested upon a charge of filching money form letters.
140 years ago
During the past few days California strawberries have been forcing their way into the Nevada market. Of course every woman and child who sees strawberries for sale wants a few boxes, regardless of the cost or the quality. The berries now offered fare somewhat better than those of last April. They are firmer, as a rule, and only rotten at one end.
130 years ago
A good lodging house is badly needed in Candelaria. Sleeping accommodations are so scarce that some nights, quite a number of people have either to sleep on the floor in stores or sit up all night.
120 years ago
The county fathers yesterday appointed J.G. Merklinger to be fish and game warden of Washoe county. His salary was fixed at twenty-five dollars a month for a year. — Journal
100 years ago
Owing to the advice of his physician, Art Meyers, chief of the fire department, has tendered his resignation to the members of the Warren company. While the boys have been compelled to accept the resignation, owning to the circumstances, they do so with the deepest regret.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
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